Wow, CC. I don't know how you do it. In each and every part of this story, I find something absolutely brilliant that just makes me stop and go, "Wow. I never would have thought of that, but it's absolutely perfect!" Sometimes, that happens two, three, or even more times in a single part.

This time, it was Lois's thoughts on her role in history, her thoughts on the nature of Utopia (basically, that whole section), and the conversation between Silas and Clark (again, the whole section). Brilliant, in every way.

I have not been this impressed with a single story (or author) since I discovered Terry Pratchett.

I am a little confused by what happened with Hank, Petal, and Tempus (and it took me a while to get it straight that even though they're standing just on the other side of the portal we last saw them go through, this scene is their return to that portal and not an immediate continuation), but I'm sure that'll be explained next part. (Not sure if anyone else had that problem. I'm running very short on sleep right now, so it's really easy for me to miss an obvious clue here and there.)

Oh, and thanks for explaining about WtWFO. I'm seriously behind on my reading these days (a story or two on the boards and a book for bedtime is about all I can manage right now), so I haven't actually read that story. I understood enough from the scene to get something of the significance, but knowing that the rest of that story is explained elsewhere does help.

Now, here's a quick question. One that may have been asked before. Everyone in the museum was startled by how much Lois looks like Lois. When she walked into the bakery, though, no one batted an eye. I'm not sure what to make of that. No one would expect to see her there (a concept very important to Clark), and there are impersonators out there, not to mention family members. The bakery people were also kind of flustered by Lois's demands. Still, in the whole time they were sitting there, no one commented at all. Did they not notice? Was it just Utopian politeness? Any thoughts?

(I'm hoping, BTW, that in addition to locks, the bakery has something along the lines of security cameras.)

On another note... Lois's thoughts on announcing themselves seem very intriguing. If only one of them had some kind of easily visible and recognizable brightly colored outfit, and maybe some unusual way to draw attention to it. Preferably in a way that wouldn't overly startle or panic the citizenry, but which would invite the curiousity of the right people. Something which would make them smile and wave, for example, while still being newsworthy. (If there is still news in Utopia.) ... Oh well. It was a thought.

No, wait. One more question. I keep finding myself confused by these mentions of people coming from outside Utopia. From Wells, I'd gotten the impression that Utopia was planet-wide. I'm not really sure I can see a sheltered community like this existing in anything but an all but self-contained area. That means either a small remote spot or an entire planet. Certainly not a single city with popular tourist attractions. So... how big is Utopia, give or take?

Anyway, that's all for now. Another excellent part, CC. Can't wait to see the next one!


EDIT to respond to CC's edit:

Wanted to add that I didn't want a reader who hadn't read WtWFO to feel they were missing much of anything in that scene. If they were as confused and curious as Clark, then they were on the same page with him, and that totally works for me. If they happened to recognize the setting and what Silas was referencing, that was merely a bonus. Definitely don't need to have read one fic to read the other.
Yes, that's exactly how I feel. Sorry I didn't properly articulate that. Meant to, forgot. Or something. Good to hear it confirmed, especially from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

Sure, I'd like to go back and read that story, among others. Realistically speaking, I'm not sure when it'll happen. Meantime, yeah, I figure I'm in the same boat as Clark, which is never a bad place to be. I'm just glad to know that there is an explanation out there available to me when I'm ready for it. Makes the scene better and it means I won't have to go wondering about a seeming loose end. Clark and I will both find out in due time. smile

P.S. Just a thought: Maybe you want to include a little note about this at the end of the archive version? That way, it wouldn't spoil the surprise for readers who have read the other story, but it would also make things clearer for those who haven't.

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.