Artemis makes a good point. I was kind of wondering about whether the warehouse was the place he died, given how nervous and fidgety Silas was. Especially when he mentioned it was "the last place anyone would expect."

I have a feeling Clark was wondering that, too.

By the time Silas got to the part about Perry's retirement party, though, I was beginning to suspect it was the revelation.

Then again, I had the helpful hint of having seen Wendy's comments folder title. Not sure what I would have thought without that.

That's not necessarily something you have to fix, but it is maybe something to be aware of.

Also, just by way of making conversation, have I mentioned that it is currently the Halloween season in Utopia? Because while I haven't come right out and described the pumpkins on the doorstep, the colorful leaves falling, kids in costume, etc., they are right there in the background.
Oh! Is that what that was? I was a little confused because of the lack of monster costumes. With all the little Loises, Clarks, Supermen, and Tempuses (not to mention that crowd at the museum), I thought it was Utopia's Founders' Day.

I know, I know. It's not a real holiday... yet. I think it counts, though, don't you?

Anyway, be careful with that tongue, CC. At first I wasn't too worried about it because, really, if you can't talk with your mouth, odds are you'll be spending more time with the keyboard. Then I remembered that swallowing the tongue might lead to choking, possibly even suffocation, and that would really impair your typing skills. So... yeah. Don't swallow it.

Paul, in the midst of his own little temporal distortion problems, and feeling even more tired and loopy than usual. It's... morning. Right?

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.