"I'm not going to cry," she said, lifting her chin. Just in case he thought she might.

"That makes one of us, then," he returned softly.

"If no one minds," Silas said from behind them, "I'm just going to curl up and sob like a baby."
dance Yes! Yes! Yes! They're looking for you! You're all in the same damn city!

Huh, so Lois and Tempus really aren't that different after all. Lois would hate Utopia. Well, wouldn't most of us? As I type this, I'm currently preaching to my friend Matt about how things happen for a reason, and we have to learn from our mistakes and struggles, etc etc. What's there to learn from a...perfect world?

Ah, and Junior finally realizes that Clark's just Joe Regular with super powers. None of this god on a pedestal, higher power, greater good stuff. Interesting how everyone seemed to think that Clark always knew how to be Superman, knew what he was supposed to do in life, blah blah blah. Oh well.

Ok, I think I'm done for now. I may have another earful or two to say after I get back from the gym.

I'm back; I haven't even made it to the gym yet, and I have to comment, omg. I knew the Silas' reference to the future sounded familiar, I just hadn't a clue where it came from until I read Wendy's post. Duh! But that's so cool. Oh, 5 pages? Haha.

Is it Thursday yet?

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy