Lois & Clark Forums
Wow, CC!!

I don't know how I never saw this coming. This is a sequel to When The World Finds Out! goofy

I love it! Coming full circle! And now I see the significance of the bakery! goofy
Clark Superman Kent Stalls In Front of Deli.' "I was waiting to buy my wife a bagel," he was heard to whine as he was led away...

How can you leave us here???

Hurry back!!

Wendy smile

This is the five page epilogue to WtWFO I never posted. And you see what happened to it? I left it alone in the file, in the dark, and before I knew it...


edit: Helga's kind of right. I guess it's more of a prequel than an epilogue now, isn't it?

Also, the deli and the bakery! Holy cow, Wendy, I never made that connection. I think this means I'm hung up on carbs, of which I eat very little... so I'm hungry a lot<g>.
Don't you mean prequel Wendy? <g>

Time travel is very confusing.

I'm loving this, lots. Have I mentioned that already?

And at some point in the near future I'm going to have to re-read When the World Finds out....

How could you ever have told this story in five pages??? goofy

Wendy smile

I mean, er, poor Petal et al. Yeah. That was it.

Aw, forget it. Whee! goofy
Before that, it was used by a more than a few criminals, though none of them with the flare of the original."
I believe you meant "flair" there... I can't make up my mind if this is the area beneath the museum where Lex kept all his treasures, or where Lex's kid whatever-his-name-is and Lex himself took Lois. Either way, Tempus himself would approve of the irony of LnC's kids utilizing Evil Villain Lairs (tm) for their own privacy. wink

...aha, I see from Wendy's comments that it's from last year's superlative story. It all makes sense now. smile
I think if I know too much, if you start issuing warnings, once I get back, that will make it all the harder to just... do it."

"What do you mean?" Silas was clearly intrigued. "To just do what?"

"Be Superman. Or be the Superman everyone seems convinced I am."
Wow wow wow wow wow. CC, with those few simple sentences you summed up all the delicious paradoxes of time travel so neatly. Powerful angst of the good kind. You go, girl! goofy

And poor Silas. He gently helps Clark talk himself through an identity crisis and ends up with one of his own! laugh
How could you ever have told this story in five pages???[/
The five pages were just an interview set ten years into the future of WtWFO. Lois and Clark talking about the first post-revelation years.

Anyway, the interview was to run on a continuous loop in Utopia's Superman museum- which was considerably less tacky than what it grew into for this story- so that kids on field trips could view it, along with tourists, students of history, etc...

It was Lois and Clark setting the record straight, since they knew once they were gone they would be unable to control the legends and myths which might spring up about them.

However, I really felt that story ended pretty neatly and happily. They were in a good place, so I never posted it. At Labrat and Lynn's urging, I didn't delete it. And thus a long story (much like these comments) is born from something really short.

Molehills into mountains.

And I'm going away now. I promise.

edit: Ok. I'm back, but it's much later!

Wanted to add that I didn't want a reader who hadn't read WtWFO to feel they were missing much of anything in that scene. If they were as confused and curious as Clark, then they were on the same page with him, and that totally works for me. If they happened to recognize the setting and what Silas was referencing, that was merely a bonus. Definitely don't need to have read one fic to read the other.

Wow, CC. I don't know how you do it. In each and every part of this story, I find something absolutely brilliant that just makes me stop and go, "Wow. I never would have thought of that, but it's absolutely perfect!" Sometimes, that happens two, three, or even more times in a single part.

This time, it was Lois's thoughts on her role in history, her thoughts on the nature of Utopia (basically, that whole section), and the conversation between Silas and Clark (again, the whole section). Brilliant, in every way.

I have not been this impressed with a single story (or author) since I discovered Terry Pratchett.

I am a little confused by what happened with Hank, Petal, and Tempus (and it took me a while to get it straight that even though they're standing just on the other side of the portal we last saw them go through, this scene is their return to that portal and not an immediate continuation), but I'm sure that'll be explained next part. (Not sure if anyone else had that problem. I'm running very short on sleep right now, so it's really easy for me to miss an obvious clue here and there.)

Oh, and thanks for explaining about WtWFO. I'm seriously behind on my reading these days (a story or two on the boards and a book for bedtime is about all I can manage right now), so I haven't actually read that story. I understood enough from the scene to get something of the significance, but knowing that the rest of that story is explained elsewhere does help.

Now, here's a quick question. One that may have been asked before. Everyone in the museum was startled by how much Lois looks like Lois. When she walked into the bakery, though, no one batted an eye. I'm not sure what to make of that. No one would expect to see her there (a concept very important to Clark), and there are impersonators out there, not to mention family members. The bakery people were also kind of flustered by Lois's demands. Still, in the whole time they were sitting there, no one commented at all. Did they not notice? Was it just Utopian politeness? Any thoughts?

(I'm hoping, BTW, that in addition to locks, the bakery has something along the lines of security cameras.)

On another note... Lois's thoughts on announcing themselves seem very intriguing. If only one of them had some kind of easily visible and recognizable brightly colored outfit, and maybe some unusual way to draw attention to it. Preferably in a way that wouldn't overly startle or panic the citizenry, but which would invite the curiousity of the right people. Something which would make them smile and wave, for example, while still being newsworthy. (If there is still news in Utopia.) ... Oh well. It was a thought.

No, wait. One more question. I keep finding myself confused by these mentions of people coming from outside Utopia. From Wells, I'd gotten the impression that Utopia was planet-wide. I'm not really sure I can see a sheltered community like this existing in anything but an all but self-contained area. That means either a small remote spot or an entire planet. Certainly not a single city with popular tourist attractions. So... how big is Utopia, give or take?

Anyway, that's all for now. Another excellent part, CC. Can't wait to see the next one!


EDIT to respond to CC's edit:

Wanted to add that I didn't want a reader who hadn't read WtWFO to feel they were missing much of anything in that scene. If they were as confused and curious as Clark, then they were on the same page with him, and that totally works for me. If they happened to recognize the setting and what Silas was referencing, that was merely a bonus. Definitely don't need to have read one fic to read the other.
Yes, that's exactly how I feel. Sorry I didn't properly articulate that. Meant to, forgot. Or something. Good to hear it confirmed, especially from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

Sure, I'd like to go back and read that story, among others. Realistically speaking, I'm not sure when it'll happen. Meantime, yeah, I figure I'm in the same boat as Clark, which is never a bad place to be. I'm just glad to know that there is an explanation out there available to me when I'm ready for it. Makes the scene better and it means I won't have to go wondering about a seeming loose end. Clark and I will both find out in due time. smile

P.S. Just a thought: Maybe you want to include a little note about this at the end of the archive version? That way, it wouldn't spoil the surprise for readers who have read the other story, but it would also make things clearer for those who haven't.
Wow I started a feedback folder, went to quote something, and found out the I was beaten to the bunch (I'm on vacation, it's raining in CT...what to do? Read the MBs, of course!)

Wow I really didn't see that coming either. Holy Cow! *This* was originally 5 pages???? HA HA

I found a kind-of-reference to this story in When the World Finds Out (which I hadn't read in the archive edition until today - I read it when it was posted. You added some really great stuff to the archive edition, CC)
What was it that the peacemakers got, Lois thought, not for the first
time, as she took in her dark-eyed daughter. It wasn't the earth, that
went to the meek. She felt a twinge of resentment at that. What would
the meek do with it? But the peacemakers...? She really needed to look
that up.
Well, we have our next Superman. What happened with Tempus? MY feeling is that Petal and Hank found his remains (finally the predators decided to look into the cave!)

Will they return to the correct time and place??? Or will the time temporal displacement thingy foul them up?

Stayed tuned for Thursday (DRAT!)
Why do I get the feeling that *what's left* of Tempus is in that bag Hank is carrying, and that's why he's so worried about Elise?

Excellent thought on Lois' part, that the Peacekeepers are looking for them and all she and Clark need to do is make themselves known somehow.

Looking forward to seeing what's next.

I need to say that again. Wow.

CC, this story is just so awesome and incredibly brilliant that I don't have words for it. Every time I think that I can anticipate what's going to happen next, you twist me around and send me in another direction.

When I saw Wendy's feedback title, I assumed that this was where someone "in the know" would find out that they were there. And when Lois had one of her epiphanies in the library, I was sure of it. It wouldn't have surprised me to see her rush out of the building, stand in the middle of the street and yell "Help, Superman!!" He, of course, would come without thinking, and presumably someone would see this most unusual occurrence. After all, there may be lots of imposters walking around, but can any of them fly?

But no, you moved back to Clark and Silas underground. And I assumed (there's that word again) that they were in the wine cellar from HoL, and I was so anxious to find out what was going to happen next that I read *too fast*. I missed all the clues that were there. Ballroom (used more than once!). Gold Paneling. Tapestry. Hidden compartment. wallbash So when Silas actually started talking about the party, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

Awesome. And even though you hadn't planned the symmetry about the bakery, pretend you did. It's terrific. It's too bad that the bakery can't actually be THE bagel place, but since that one was in NY...

And did I see it coming that Silas would actually be a throwback, rather than just having a few "slightly" enhanced abilities? No. wallbash again. And you've left clues about that all over the place too, now that I think about it. I guess I had my head buried in the sand deeper than poor Silas.

But now that he and Clark have had this great talk, I think he'll be able to step up to the plate.

Man, I love this.


{P.S. CC, we've threatened you before about not posting your epilogues. Well, I'm willing to take that back, as long as you promise to take every and every one of those epilogues and turn them into more magnificent stories - prequels, sequels, who cares - I'll be perfectly satisfied. smile }
"I'm not going to cry," she said, lifting her chin. Just in case he thought she might.

"That makes one of us, then," he returned softly.

"If no one minds," Silas said from behind them, "I'm just going to curl up and sob like a baby."
dance Yes! Yes! Yes! They're looking for you! You're all in the same damn city!

Huh, so Lois and Tempus really aren't that different after all. Lois would hate Utopia. Well, wouldn't most of us? As I type this, I'm currently preaching to my friend Matt about how things happen for a reason, and we have to learn from our mistakes and struggles, etc etc. What's there to learn from a...perfect world?

Ah, and Junior finally realizes that Clark's just Joe Regular with super powers. None of this god on a pedestal, higher power, greater good stuff. Interesting how everyone seemed to think that Clark always knew how to be Superman, knew what he was supposed to do in life, blah blah blah. Oh well.

Ok, I think I'm done for now. I may have another earful or two to say after I get back from the gym.

I'm back; I haven't even made it to the gym yet, and I have to comment, omg. I knew the Silas' reference to the future sounded familiar, I just hadn't a clue where it came from until I read Wendy's post. Duh! But that's so cool. Oh, 5 pages? Haha.

Is it Thursday yet?
Oh CC I love, love, LOVE you! shock


What's there to learn from a...perfect world?
so true Jen!
Wow, CC. I don't know how you do it.
Pretty much sums up my thought processes, except for...what the heck are you feeding your muse and how do I get some???

I love that you pinned those two stories together, it's a great setting and brought everything you wrote in the first one flooding back.

Remember in WTWFO, Clark was reading articles about the evil media's response to his offspring...HIS BABIES you wrote. Well that's why I think he's really motivated in this particular instance, not that he's not always motivated to help, but he REALLY HAS to this time, his babies are counting on him.

And now Silas is getting a taste of the responsibility...I love this for reasons I can't express in writing.

Your story ROCKS, CC!!! thumbsup

TEEEEEEEJ <GREEEEEEN with envy> laugh
There are no comments unsaid, no superlatives unuttered. Just take what everyone above said, and copy that.

And now that I know that this started with a mere seed of five pages, I can never complain that any segment of this spectacular fic is too short again! laugh

Great part. thumbsup

Only three parts? eek

Jose hyper
Now if you really want to make things queasy, you could make Tempus a family member. Since he and Lois think somewhat alike, I'd guess he's on the Lane side.

After all, we all have black sheep in the familyl!

(But then, he'd cease to exist, because without Lois & Clark getting together, he wouldn't be alive...HMMM...forget that idea!)

After re-reading WTWFO again (yes I'm bored -vacation and it's raining and 40 degrees in CT -ick!- and I read REALLY fast - ) it occurs to me that in STM, Luthor had that great underground Lair near the subways.....

overly ornate and garish.... forgot about that...

Now, the bakery....you *can* turn it into a deli for the archives, you know. A full-service deli that even sells Bear Claws!!I mean, in your story, you even say:

“No kidding,” she said. “What does bakery mean, Junior?”

“A store for baked goods.”

“Of course. Why am I even surprised? What else would you people have but peaceful pastries, serene bagels , éclairs of tranquility?”
There's no FANFIC law against that. It could be an exact replica of the deli in NY that Clark bought Lois' bagel in. Just a thought...

You gotta post the next part, CC...or I'm going to have to clean out my closets and straighten out my spare room!!
Smooth. Really smooth.
I'm in awe
hail hail hail
I love this part CC!!!! thumbsup

I can´t wait to read the next one

wow! shock

As has been said, there are no superlatives left to compliment this story. It has a lock on all of them.

Favorites parts --

1) Lois realizing that the Peacekeepers have shot themselves in the foot by hiding themselves too well, and recognizing how this world might drive Tempus to do what he's done.

2) Clark and Silas's converation about Clark *not* knowing his destiny from the beginning, but just growing into it and learning as he went. And that Silas is a throwback (which I had kind of suspected; you did a great job of dropping subtle hints). And that he has been fighting his destiny because he didn't think he could measure up. (Slight shades of Alt-Clark in there, too.)

3) The comments on this part. Because ... well, I have to confess, I've never read WTWFO. So that was a complete shock to me. And I'm glad that we don't have to have read that story to get this one. Even though now I'm thinking I'll have to read it after this story is done because if it's anywhere near as good as this one is (and I'm sure that it will be, knowing who the author is smile ) I'm sure I'll be just as enthralled. I'm just hoping it's not *too* high on the angst meter scale ... anyone want to email me to let me know if I should run screaming now? <g>

Kathy (who figures she could just ask the author about that other story ... since I kind of know her <g>)
WTWFO is not really angsty at all! It has some sections where you will feel emotion and empathy for what L & C are going thru, but mostly, it is action-packed. You'll love it.
Yes!! I'm finally caught up!! But, you know, CC, I've a really *great* excuse for being behind... really. /me whistles innocently and puts this link in...

"Ok," was all he said, but he moved towards her and pulled her into a loose, friendly embrace. And, rather than feeling suffocated, as she would with anyone else, or feeling as if she needed to claw her way free to keep up her momentum, keep herself from sinking onto the stoop next to Silas and letting the tide of despair catch up to her; she sank into his arms, burrowing her face into the side of his neck, breathing deeply. She went limp against him and his hold tightened easily. "I've got you." His breath warmed her ear and came dangerously close to pushing her off balance, pitching her towards tears.

"I'm not going to cry," she said, lifting her chin. Just in case he thought she might.

"That makes one of us, then," he returned softly.
OH!! How sad is that!!! whinging

"What if I just warned you about attending a certain function? Just that. Just told you not to go. Told you to talk Lois out of going-"
/me sniffs... wipes a few stray tears from her eyes... I... I... can't talk...

"What do you mean?" Silas was clearly intrigued. "To just do what?"

"Be Superman. Or be the Superman everyone seems convinced I am."
Very smart of you, Clark.

"Obligation?" Silas guessed, and something in his tone, something in the question, caught Clark's attention. He stopped worrying he was ruining the hero for him.
That's a relief... and... just really so great for Silas to hear all this. He *needs* to hear this, not just because it's great for him to hear family history straight from the source, but he needs to hear the driving force behind the original Superman because he needs that same drive. He needs not to brush aside his powers and abilities as almost a burden.

Sorry... reading on now...

Silas nodded. "Right. No one. It was just you. No kids to help you, yet. No one to eventually take over when you're ready to share the burden. Not for a long time."

The heaviness in Clark's heart lifted at once. "My kids... help me?"

Silas froze. "Oops."
AWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! I now know the literal definition of all choked up...

Silas smiled. "You aren't alone, you know. Not ever again. Not after Lois. I think I can tell you that much."

Clark turned away, blinking back the sudden tears in his eyes, too moved and too full to speak.
Oh god, same here! *huge snuffle*

Clark chose his words carefully. He needed to get this right. "After college I traveled the world a few times over. Is that known?"

“Sure, you were looking for a big enough city to operate unnoticed in."
Wow! This just blows me away that the image of their founder and hero is so changed. Makes you wonder *why* it was changed. (Still snuffling, btw). Personally, I think the true story would be better, more fairy tale like... picture perfect. But then again... looking from the family pov now (and through the generations), they'd need something to convince all the superpowered kids that it was their responsibility to help. Their legacy.

"No. I was looking for a place, Silas. Some place, any place... where I fit. Before Metropolis I found temporary places, but I was always searching for something I couldn’t even name, really."
*sigh* and *snuffle*

“You grew into being Superman.” It wasn’t a question and he could tell by Silas’s face it was something of a revelation. “You weren't always.”

“Not always, Silas,” he said firmly. “And not yet. I’m no saint. I’m no... icon. I’m just... me.”
That right there... Silas's revelation... is just great! And Clark's response... it's one of those gems, CC.

“I had to pick Lois up and move close to superspeed to catch up with you.”

Silas stilled. “You... did?”
Ha! Knew it! Knew he hadn't realized his full potential. Now... is it because he dreads just being a "hero" by name since there's really not much to do in the way of saving? Or is it because of the changes to the time stream going on?

No.” Silas shook his head vehemently, obviously glad to be asked a question he could answer easily. “I can’t.”

“Have you tried?”

“What? No! There are no flyers left. None.
OH. MY. GOD. OMGOMGOMG. This... this means something. Big. And... I can't wrapped my damned head around it!! Like he's... Well, there was all that talk of soulmates and stuff... and... erm... maybe I should read ahead for that "throwback" explanation before I go on. blush

“A throwback is a member of the family who has... has... oh... God.”

“All of my abilities,” Clark guessed, and he knew by Silas’s expression he had gotten it right. “You’ve mentioned how my powers were diluted over the generations. But the throwback has them? All of them?”

“And no one knows why,” Silas said slowly. “STAR labs did endless genetic studies trying to see if they could predict who would be next, if there would even be another, and what the variable was.”


“And it’s still a mystery.”
OH. MY. GOD. OMIGOD. OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH GOD! Sorry... ahem... OH GOD... I need to calm down, seriously. But... this is HUGE. Way huge! OMG! It's the soulmate, the throw back is! Duh, that's obvious, Sara, but... OMG! Silas is THE guy and... who's his Lois I wonder. Okay... stopping now before I embarrass myself further...

He watched the words sink in, watched as their meaning found their way into Silas’s eyes and moved across his face as dawning comprehension. “But... if I can fly...”

“...you’re the new Superman.”

Sara (still not breathing right... but at least that crying has stopped...)
I've been a very bad beta reader and not keeping up with this story... <hanging head in shame> But I'm catching up now, and this is amazing. The two best moments:

she sank into his arms, burrowing her face into the side of his neck, breathing deeply. She went limp against him and his hold tightened easily. "I've got you."
That is a *lovely* moment all on its own, and it's a wonderful parallel to earlier:

Lois felt Clark go slack against her. She slipped an arm around his waist, and he leaned in close enough for her to feel his shaking. “I’ve got you,” she whispered, her face blushing hotly even as she registered the words, hoping suddenly he hadn’t heard them.
And then, this was very funny:

"I’m doomed," Clark broke in. "If this warning involves talking Lois out of anything."
Oh, and I hadn't thought about the throwbacks being the current soul-mate incarnation, but I like the idea! And if Silas is Clark, that makes me wonder... is Lois Petal? goofy

Yup, I'm with Pam on that great moment (I've got you) and its earlier parallel.

Otherwise, I'm just checking in to say I'm here, I'm reading, and I'm still gob-smacked and stuck for superlatives.

This is a story, I think, which has something for everyone. For the geeks, we have time-travel. For the waffy crowd, we have a burgeoning relationship. For the angsty crowd, we have...well, lots, but not least of all the pressure Clark is under to be Superman when he's hardly figured out which way up his cape is. For the next-gen people, we have Silas and The Family. For villain-lovers, we have Tempus. For the A-plotters, we have Tempus, the Peacekeepers, and How Are L&C Going To Get Home. And for the comedy crowd, we have some hilarious moments.

Yay! Aren't we a lucky bunch of readers?

You know, I've been anticipating (with glee) that this story will garner a clutch of nominations/awards in next year's Kerths...

...but, dang, Yvonne, before you posted it hadn't occurred to me that it could qualify for practically every category! goofy

LabRat smile
Ooo, hey! Good point, Lab!

WAFFy (not in the traditional sense, but it's certainly brightened a good number of my days), Comedy, Revalation, Drama, Elseworlds (maybe), Innovative (if that's brought back), Original Character, Relationship (maybe), Overall... woo! Hey, if we throw in time travel, maybe CC can be up for BNA again? laugh

Hmm... I wonder if it'll finish in time to qualify for a Best Tempus Fic Alt-Kerth, too...

Well, I'll throw in my "Wow" too. I had no inkling this was related to WTWFO (which I loved and nominated for the Kerths and a few zillion people agreed with me) until the gilt ballroom. When Silas starts his little revelation though, some readers might panic (and maybe Clark himself) and think he dies in the ballroom. That was the way I read it until the WTWFO connection came to me. So for those who haven't read it maybe you might make a footnote or something to reassure them.
I can't believe this started at 5 pages! Don't ever throw anything out! You make magnificent stories from them.
O.K., C.C., that's the praise. Now I want to strangle you for giving me hope they will get help every chapter and then cruelly (CRU-EL, I say in the words of the elder H.G. Wells) crushing the hopes with the blind dunderness of the Peacekeepers and the isolation of the Lane-Kents! Andrus isn't the only dim one at Peacekeeper H.Q! Nobody commuicates with anybody! I love Madge, but she's blind too!
More soon.
I have to have a laugh, here CC: your feedback thread for part 14 keeps growing because of the debate over Madge vs Charity!!

It must be a great feeling to have so many readers inspired to leave all this feedback

(/me a tad jealous)


P L E A S E ?
E hyper hyper
It must be a great feeling to have so many readers inspired to leave all this feedback
It's just the. greatest. thing.

And a little intimidating, too. I was gone all day yesterday. Out of town. So when I checked the boards just before bedtime and saw the number, I nearly swallowed my tongue.

But in a good way!

Part 16 is currently being frowned over and fussed with. The usual. But I'll be back to add to these comments and to post asap.

Also, just by way of making conversation, have I mentioned that it is currently the Halloween season in Utopia? Because while I haven't come right out and described the pumpkins on the doorstep, the colorful leaves falling, kids in costume, etc., they are right there in the background.

< Holiday/Special Occasion... just saying>

CC- who feels ok about the in-your-face campaigning since the last Kerths were five minutes ago.
Artemis makes a good point. I was kind of wondering about whether the warehouse was the place he died, given how nervous and fidgety Silas was. Especially when he mentioned it was "the last place anyone would expect."

I have a feeling Clark was wondering that, too.

By the time Silas got to the part about Perry's retirement party, though, I was beginning to suspect it was the revelation.

Then again, I had the helpful hint of having seen Wendy's comments folder title. Not sure what I would have thought without that.

That's not necessarily something you have to fix, but it is maybe something to be aware of.

Also, just by way of making conversation, have I mentioned that it is currently the Halloween season in Utopia? Because while I haven't come right out and described the pumpkins on the doorstep, the colorful leaves falling, kids in costume, etc., they are right there in the background.
Oh! Is that what that was? I was a little confused because of the lack of monster costumes. With all the little Loises, Clarks, Supermen, and Tempuses (not to mention that crowd at the museum), I thought it was Utopia's Founders' Day.

I know, I know. It's not a real holiday... yet. I think it counts, though, don't you?

Anyway, be careful with that tongue, CC. At first I wasn't too worried about it because, really, if you can't talk with your mouth, odds are you'll be spending more time with the keyboard. Then I remembered that swallowing the tongue might lead to choking, possibly even suffocation, and that would really impair your typing skills. So... yeah. Don't swallow it.

Paul, in the midst of his own little temporal distortion problems, and feeling even more tired and loopy than usual. It's... morning. Right?
I totally agree, meant to say so earlier. Artemis makes a really, really excellent point. (Thank you, Artemis!)

Because what I don't want is any reader thinking that Clark meets his end in that room. I will fine tune that immediately. I think it won't be too hard to just have Silas say, 'Don't worry. It's nothing life threatening.' Or something like that.

Ok. I'll hold this spot for the rest of my comments on your comments. Part 16 is coming up.

I would like to see Silas either say less or just a little more. I worry that the way he left it may create just enough additional resistance that Clark might decide not to go and that would be disastrous. Although being trapped in the ballroom during the hostage situation triggered a world-wide revelation, having been trapped *outside* of the ballroom would have been worse. There was no way he could have gotten into the ballroom to rescue the hostages if he hadn't already been there; either he or the hostages would have been lost.

Maybe Silas could admit to 'what' happened instead of hinting at 'when'? "You saved xxx lives but the world learned your secret, but the timing was right," or something to that effect?
I love this idea, Onaleia.

To have Silas say something like 'there were hostages and you saved a lot of people...'

Something hopeful, not menancing. A general 'You did good' sort of moment.

Thank you for this. I appreciate it!

I totally agree, meant to say so earlier. Artemis makes a really, really excellent point. (Thank you, Artemis!)
Wow. Thank YOU! Yes, even with all the frustration of nobody listening until they forced Silas to, I was in a WAFFY state. Then the ballroom was kind of a dash of cold water, or could be if you hadn't read WTWFO.
Actually, I hate to disagree, but I just loved it exactly as it is. The subtle clues. Getting less subtle as we moved along. And then suddenly Silas's warning. It was just perfect.

I think anything else would lose the impact of the moment. Now, okay, I suppose it's just possible that Clark might interpret it as he or Lois dying, and that would be bad - but you'd only need a tiny tweak to fix that. Maybe he could begin with "It's not life-threatening but... if..." huh

But I really would hate to see any major change in what Silas says - the more subtle the better.

Wendy smile
Thank you is so inadequate. I know I say the same things over and over. This is so fun. You guys are so smart and insightful, yakkety, yak, etc...

But I repeat myself because I mean it!!

Ok. To the comments. And again... these are so great, so smart (you know the drill)

Okay, it was a deli, but bakeries sell bagels too...
First of all, I love that Wendy found that connection. I would never have seen it. Along with the idea the bakery front could be an homage to the Revelation.

I have to tell you, I went back and looked at my other fics. I don't want to get specific, but I've noticed there is a peculiar underlying theme to most of my work. And it involves baked goods. Donuts, most specifically. But pie, pastries, pancakes. They all show up. The deeper meaning: I don't eat enough carbs, so I fantasize about them, apparently.

But enough about me. Good grief!

Since this is Lois doing the musing, I can't help but wonder if "models" refers to the carriages or the babies...
*Loved* this. And, of course, she meant the carriages, since Utopian babies are much improved. Colic is not allowed. Far too impolite to scream for hours at frazzled young parents.

I believe you meant "flair" there.
Darn it, yes I did. And thank you for the catch.

A juicy one:
I keep finding myself confused by these mentions of people coming from outside Utopia. From Wells, I'd gotten the impression that Utopia was planet-wide. I'm not really sure I can see a sheltered community like this existing in anything but an all but self-contained area. That means either a small remote spot or an entire planet. Certainly not a single city with popular tourist attractions. So... how big is Utopia, give or take?
I know I already waxed on about the baked good as minor fic theme, so I'll try to be brief, but yeah. This is something I really pondered. How big is Utopia? Does it encompass the globe? Is that even possible? Because no matter how great the ideals, how wonderful the society, could the entire planet ever *agree* to subscribe to one philosophy?

I decided probably not. And went with the idea that Utopia is born in Metropolis. That over the centuries it has grown and spread over most of the planet. I think I have Silas reflect he had 'heard of places that didnt' hold to Utopian ideals.' And I wanted it to seem that far off and vague. He couldn't have named a specific place to save his life, but he has an idea they do exist here and there. And that's how I see it. Like there's this island in the tropics full of casinos and capitalists and... hmmm...that's as far as I got on that.

So. Ok. Gads, I said I would keep this short. Why wouldn't Tempus just move there? I asked myself. Avoid Utopia all together and take refuge in one of these 'alleged' Utopia-free zones. And I decided that wouldn't be nearly as much fun for him. He would so much rather topple the whole thing. That's the challenge that really drives him.

There. How's that? (Besides too long?)

Moving on!

What's there to learn from a...perfect world?
So dead on, Jen. And you have managed to sum up 200 something pages in few words. Love that. I would steal it if I could figure out how to work it in. May I?

sorry for this gushing, sloppy post, I just can't help myself.
Totally my favorite kind, Liz! sloppy

Clark was reading articles about the evil media's response to his offspring...HIS BABIES you wrote. Well that's why I think he's really motivated in this particular instance, not that he's not always motivated to help, but he REALLY HAS to this time, his babies are counting on him.
Thank you for that, TeeeJ. I think that's exactly how it is. And I love that you saw that parallel. I hadn't thought of it.

And speaking of parallels. Thank you to Pam for flagging the "I've got you" one! Also, as one BR who has fallen far behind to another: no worries! twins

And now that I know that this started with a mere seed of five pages, I can never complain that any segment of this spectacular fic is too short again!
And also, because they aren't too short! Ever!

just really so great for Silas to hear all this. He *needs* to hear this, not just because it's great for him to hear family history straight from the source, but he needs to hear the driving force behind the original Superman because he needs that same drive.
Andrus isn't the only dim one at Peacekeeper H.Q! Nobody commuicates with anybody! I love Madge, but she's blind too!
I can't disagree with this at all. Though, Madge was really raised in the matrix, so to speak. Hard to stop and see around the rules you've always lived by. I think she's throwing them off, though. And along with that, the blinders, too.

Although being trapped in the ballroom during the hostage situation triggered a world-wide revelation, having been trapped *outside* of the ballroom would have been worse. There was no way he could have gotten into the ballroom to rescue the hostages if he hadn't already been there; either he or the hostages would have been lost.
This goes back to WtWFO. And it really caught my attention. I don't think I'd ever thought of it that way. If Clark hadn't been trapped inside, how would he have saved everyone? Onaleia, that's so great. And it does make me question Silas warning Clark off. I'll have to think that over closely.

But I really would hate to see any major change in what Silas says - the more subtle the better.
And I do see what you're saying, Wendy. I wouldn't want Silas to tell Clark the big revelation. I don't think there is any way, at this point in his Superman career, he could hear that news as anything but devastating. Here's what I went with:

Clark had been listening intently, his mind swirling with questions and thoughts, too confused to makes sense of what Silas was telling him, or rather, what he wasn’t telling him. He eyed the tapestry he held closely, looked once more around the elaborate ballroom and tried to imagine it full of Lane-Kents...

"You're killing me," he blurted.

He was immediately sorry. Silas, who had been pulling out boxes of various sizes, turned an instantly contrite face towards his.

"I'm sorry. God. You're right. And it's not anything... really horrible. I mean, there were hostages, but-"

“It's ok, really," Clark interrupted hastily.

"You were great," Silas finished. "You should know that."

"Let's just... forget it," Clark said. "I keep asking and that's... my fault.”

It certainly wasn't Silas's fault. He knew that. And Clark was suddenly really glad he had been the one to accompany Silas on this fishing expedition. He could well imagine Lois's hands around their relative's throat by now, either choking the information from him or trying to kill him for dangling such tantalizing pieces of information in front of her.

"I'm sorry. Again. Let's just keep going," he prodded, since Silas was still looking worried and undecided.

"Or maybe I should tell you," Silas said quietly, instead.
It stays vague, but takes away what Artemis and Paul pointed out, that Clark might think he had died in there. Didn't want to put that burden on him on top of everything else. Or raise the suspicion in readers who haven't read the other fic.

Ok. So. I'm wordy. I apologize!

Thank you everyone for hanging in with me, though. I know I've said it, but really, I love this. So fun!!

Okay. Well, as long as you still intend following it with this:

"What if I just warned you about attending a certain function? Just that. Just told you not to go. Told you to talk Lois out of going-"

"I’m doomed," Clark broke in. "If this warning involves talking Lois out of anything."

Silas smiled, but the lightness failed to reach his eyes. He drew in a deep breath. "Clark, when you're in your fifties, you’ll be invited to a retirement party for Perry White --"
because it's the panicked 'don't go to this party' which I love. It shows so much about the way Silas feels about his ancestors. Always, before, because they were his ancestors. Now, because he's come to know Clark and he's more than just a face and a voice in a holovid.

Something else occurred to me, anyway. Doesn't Clark know, from what he's seen in the musuem and the family records, that he and Lois don't die in their fifties? If so, he'll know that, whatever happens, it isn't fatal to either of them. And he's likely to decide, when the time comes, that it's better to go but be wary - after all, who knows how their futures, and Silas's future, could be altered if he doesn't?

Anyway. Whatever. It's your story! But can I just reiterate how much I adore that scene? thumbsup

Wendy smile
Doesn't Clark know, from what he's seen in the musuem and the family records, that he and Lois don't die in their fifties? If so, he'll know that, whatever happens, it isn't fatal to either of them.
I figure, first, that he hasn't had time to read everything in the museum (departure room, anyone?). And second, even if he had read that he died at the age of 97, I can see him trying *not* to remember that, and therefore when Silas starts fumbling around he doesn't immediately realize it can't be fatal. After all, he's only human wink

Honestly, I thought the tunnel led to the final resting place for Lex. Go figure. I'm happy that it ties in with WtWfo.

And I side with subtle group.

I would steal it if I could figure out how to work it in. May I?

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