
I need to say that again. Wow.

CC, this story is just so awesome and incredibly brilliant that I don't have words for it. Every time I think that I can anticipate what's going to happen next, you twist me around and send me in another direction.

When I saw Wendy's feedback title, I assumed that this was where someone "in the know" would find out that they were there. And when Lois had one of her epiphanies in the library, I was sure of it. It wouldn't have surprised me to see her rush out of the building, stand in the middle of the street and yell "Help, Superman!!" He, of course, would come without thinking, and presumably someone would see this most unusual occurrence. After all, there may be lots of imposters walking around, but can any of them fly?

But no, you moved back to Clark and Silas underground. And I assumed (there's that word again) that they were in the wine cellar from HoL, and I was so anxious to find out what was going to happen next that I read *too fast*. I missed all the clues that were there. Ballroom (used more than once!). Gold Paneling. Tapestry. Hidden compartment. wallbash So when Silas actually started talking about the party, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

Awesome. And even though you hadn't planned the symmetry about the bakery, pretend you did. It's terrific. It's too bad that the bakery can't actually be THE bagel place, but since that one was in NY...

And did I see it coming that Silas would actually be a throwback, rather than just having a few "slightly" enhanced abilities? No. wallbash again. And you've left clues about that all over the place too, now that I think about it. I guess I had my head buried in the sand deeper than poor Silas.

But now that he and Clark have had this great talk, I think he'll be able to step up to the plate.

Man, I love this.


{P.S. CC, we've threatened you before about not posting your epilogues. Well, I'm willing to take that back, as long as you promise to take every and every one of those epilogues and turn them into more magnificent stories - prequels, sequels, who cares - I'll be perfectly satisfied. smile }

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5