How could you ever have told this story in five pages???[/
The five pages were just an interview set ten years into the future of WtWFO. Lois and Clark talking about the first post-revelation years.

Anyway, the interview was to run on a continuous loop in Utopia's Superman museum- which was considerably less tacky than what it grew into for this story- so that kids on field trips could view it, along with tourists, students of history, etc...

It was Lois and Clark setting the record straight, since they knew once they were gone they would be unable to control the legends and myths which might spring up about them.

However, I really felt that story ended pretty neatly and happily. They were in a good place, so I never posted it. At Labrat and Lynn's urging, I didn't delete it. And thus a long story (much like these comments) is born from something really short.

Molehills into mountains.

And I'm going away now. I promise.

edit: Ok. I'm back, but it's much later!

Wanted to add that I didn't want a reader who hadn't read WtWFO to feel they were missing much of anything in that scene. If they were as confused and curious as Clark, then they were on the same page with him, and that totally works for me. If they happened to recognize the setting and what Silas was referencing, that was merely a bonus. Definitely don't need to have read one fic to read the other.


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
