I'm feeling extra magical today, so I'll grant both.

Granted! A well written, well scripted, excellent feature length finale is made for Lois and Clark. Unfortunately, since neither Teri Hatcher nor Dean Cain wanted to reprise the roles of Lois or Clark, in the beautifully written, amazingly spectacular finale, the characters of Lois and Clark are played by Barbie and Ken.

And, granted! Your teeth a healthy! In fact, your teeth are so healthy they've gotten gym memberships and started doing weights. You were discovered by a back-water-circus ring leader as he was doing crunches, and he tricked you into a contract. Now, you're dragged from one bum town to the next and put on display as the Amazing Tooth-man and forced to do three shows with your teeth in the leading role of 'Cops & Robbers; Tooth & Justice.'

I wish it snowed here for a day.

'I just kind of died for you;
You just kind of stared at me'
- Aurora, Foo Fighters