Glad it worked, Yvonne.

Lab, you've sort of wished this before. Last time, I moved you to the southern hemisphere to negate the wish. This time... Hmm... telling you that it is summer on the other side of the world seems cheap. Hmm...

Granted! It's now summer! Thanks to you, the entire course of the seasons has been upset. The polar ice caps melt a little extra in the unaccustomed warmth, leading to large-scale flooding. Birds crash into your house from all directions, unsure of just where they're supposed to be migrating. Hurricanes, created by the sudden temperature change, ravage the land that's left. But at least it's summer, and you're warm. So warm, in fact, that you can barely go outside without passing out from the heat. And your A/C bill is so high that, really, you're no better off than if you'd just left it as winter and turned the heat up inside.

I wish that Yvonne had a lobby, so we could have avoided this whole mess.

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.