This idea was stolen from another board, so I'm not going to pretend to take credit.

It works something like this---I will post a wish, and someone else comes in and grants it, but qualifies it in the extreme (pretty much corrupting it), and then they get to post a wish. (may or may not have a L&C theme). some examples:

I wish I had a harley davidson motorcycle.

Granted. But your first trip out results in a speeding ticket of such magnitude that you end up having to sell the bike to pay the ticket.


I wish all the leaves in my yard were already raked.

Done. But all the kids in the neighborhood spot this 7-foot-tall, perfectly shaped pile of leaves, and they all come to your house and have a great time jumping in it, and you end up in the kitchen all afternoon making apple cider and gingerbread cookies in order to feed this hoarde, and at the end of the day, the leaves are all over the yard again.

wink might even get a fanfic challenge on this! and ix-nay on the wishing for more wishes.

I'll start.

I wish I had a new car, all paid for and everything.