Originally posted by Hazel:
the Narnia books (although, as an adult, I was a little taken aback at just how *blatant* the Christian allegories were)
Originially posted by LabRat:
LOL, Hazel, I found this interesting because I still remember the 'huh?' moment I had many years later when the Christian connection in the Narnia novels was pointed out to me. Until then (and I was twenty-something by that point) it had passed me by entirely. goofy
Well, LOL both of you - the Christian connection was the *only* reason my parents let me read them when I was eight, nine and ten. Because CS Lewis was this great Christian author, and he'd written such a classical Christian allegory - otherwise, fiction? Ban the trash from the house, kids. We read only true stories here, and Bible stories. :rolleyes:

Oh and of course Pilgrim's Progress. Can't forget that one. Actually I liked that, so I'm not saying nothing against it...

Anyway, what I mean to say is, the Narnia books were my first fiction (other than PP, but PP isn't counted as fiction, right?), and thanks to them, I got interested in all other fiction books, and later, TV. So despite my parents' ban on all non-true books in the house, because they let the Narnia books through, I'm sitting here with baited breath as Harry and Hermione and Ron are meeting Sirius Black finally, and finding out that their teacher (what'shisnameagain?) is a werewolf, and that Ron's rat is Peter someone, Harry's dad's friend... Well sheesh, I'm reading so fast here you can't expect me to remember all the details, right? That's what re-reading is for! Besides, we have spoiler virgins here, LOL...

But anyway, that's how I got into reading novels and fiction (and later, fanfiction), so if it took reading a book with *Christian* overtones to get me hooked, I'll say thanks very much, and oh yeah, I LOVE the Narnia books, which is why I got myself yet another set on Thursday... laugh

Melisma (shutting up for now, here under her Rock)

dance dance

Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda