Ohmygoodness, I didn't think anyone else had read the Dark Is Rising series. I picked up the first book when I was about 14, and devoured the whole series. I now have all 5 books bound in 1. It's a great series, and I'm almost tempted to name my son Bran. But I have enough problems getting people to pronounce my internet name right, let alone trying to correct the pronounciation of Bran! (pronounced brahn, not braan like a muffin, if I remember correctly) It also taught me a bit about Welsh pronounciation. I still have to get the other book by her, Seaward.

I haven't read the Nancy Drew series in quite a few years. I have most of the original series in the yellow-bound covers, but they're still boxed up. I have to get a bigger bookshelf so I have room for all of our books.

I keep forgetting to add in authors and books. Another author I reread is Piers Anthony. I've read all of the Xanth novels out so far, the whole Apprentice Adept series, the whole Incarnations of Immortality series, and a few other random books of his.

Maybe I should buy stock in Barnes & Nobles or Amazon, since I give them so much money. ;-)

Hey, can I change my status from Cub Reporter to Bookworm? I think it'd fit me more. wink

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited