Oh, wow, reading everyone's posts is reminding me of many I forgot the first time!

Harry Potter! Of course! I have all 4 in paperback, reread many times. I'll get 5 when the library has it -- I'm too poor to buy HCs these days.

THE SECRET GARDEN! I reread that so many times when I was a kid! And A Little Princess too!

Loriel, I think of the Avonlea books as part of the Anne series, and I don't think I'm talking about Emily either... /me tries to remember ... something about a house that she didn't want to move away from?

Did anyone else watch TLTW&TW on BBC?
Didn't watch on the BBC, but they came to the U.S. as Wonderworks episodes. I loved that show!

XANTH!!! I love those! And also Anthony's Phaze books.

Oh, and I used to read books by Enid Blyghton every time we visited a country that had them (England, Wales, Australia). A bit harder to get them in the States.

Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie! Definitely! Still love mysteries! Favorite current mystery writer is Diane Mott Davidson. Yummy recipes are a bonus!

My favorite Pern book is also my first -- which was Harper Hall -- my mom left it lying around. wink And I have a whole stack of Pern 'zines.

How did I foget Madeline L'Engle?! Wrinkle in Time was probably my first real SF. And her non-SF books are also amazing! A Ring of Endless Light is actually one of the Austins books, I believe, Pam. I love those, and the two Camilla books.

The Westing Game! Pam, Jill, I had forgotten that book! It was GREAT!

Oh, and books by E.L. Konigsburg! Mixed up Files..., Scarlet and Miniver, Jennifer, Hecate..., Rats of NIMH!

/me is reveling in memories of all these wonderful books

Do you know the most surprising thing about divorce? It doesn't actually kill you, like a bullet to the heart or a head-on car wreck. It should. When someone you've promised to cherish till death do you part says, "I never loved you," it should kill you instantly.

- Under the Tuscan Sun