
Now that you've mentioned it, I seem to recall the publictaion order differing from 'suggested reading order'. The much older copy of TLTH&TW that I have, doesn't list MN in the inside cover, which struck as odd at the time, since, to my mind, it should be listed there if it was written first. smile I remember I had trouble trying to figure out which order I should read them in.

I was just discussing it with a friend, and she read

Prince Caspian
The Voyage of the 'Dawntreader'
The Silver Chair
The Last Battle

The Horse and His Boy was an 'additional story' for her and she's not read The Magician's Nephew.

It looks like its preference where in the series you read MN and The Horse and His Boy. smile For me tho, I much prefer to follow the chronological order of the story. (Tho, that theory got blown out the water with Star Wars - you can really only watch the new ones *after* you've seen the originals, IMO! laugh )


"Inappropriate attachment" didn't begin to cover the depth of the feelings Vaughn had for Sydney Bristow.
~Ties That Bind by RJ Anderson~

I ramble at