Favourite books. Great topic, Bethy! smile1

Let's see...

A book that I absolutely adored and that I keep reading over and over again is Narcissus and Goldmund by Hermann Hesse.

Another one is Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The first time I read it I stayed up till 5 am. I just couldn't put it down. help

[EDIT: thanks to some help on IRC (thanks, Wendy!), I finally remembered the title. It's One Good Turn by Carla Kelly.]

I'm now reading also a number of vampire romance novels. Christine Feehan wrote some good ones.

I could list many books I really liked, but since it took me almost 40 minutes to write this (yeah, I know, pathetic), I guess I should stop. goofy

[EDIT: Just remembered other books I'd like to add to my list.
Racing The Moon by Terry Prone and The Three Musketeers and its two sequels by Alexandre Dumas.]

Elena smile

Methos: "I'm easily amused."

(Indiscretions - Highlander: The Series)