I have about 400 books, all of which I really enjoy! Most, if not all, are in the sci-fi/fantasy category.

All time favourites have to be Imzadi by Peter David and Federation by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens, both Star Trek novels. Erery so ofetn I re-read them, or, if I don't have time, I'll re-read my favourite bits!

Other favoutites include Anne of Green Gables series, (Rivka, are you thinking of the Emily of New Moon and Road to Avonlea series? I loved Emily too!), Harry Potter (another of those 30 odd thousand people), anything by Anne McCaffrey, but especially the Pern and Freedom/Catteni series, Chronicles of Narnia (I read Magician's Nephew, TLTW&TW, The Horse and his Boy, Prince Caspian, Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair and The Last Battle in that order) and every so often I have a yearning to go back and re-read some of Enid Blyton's books - Shadow the Sheepdog, Adventure series.

Also really enjoyed David Eddings, Elenium and Tamuli series and Daid Gemmell's Rigante recently.

And I remeber reading and loving Little Women, Secret Garden and A Little Princess.

Karen, could you tell me the order of the Little Women series, I always wanted to read the, but not in the wrong order!

Loriel (who really will have shares in Amazon soon - a lot here I haven't read! wink )

"Inappropriate attachment" didn't begin to cover the depth of the feelings Vaughn had for Sydney Bristow.
~Ties That Bind by RJ Anderson~

I ramble at http://www.livejournal.com/~loriel_eris