What drew me to Smallville and kept me watching was the opportunity to watch Clark grow into Superman. What was it like to know that you're different and to deal with these knew powers that kept developing at times. How do you keep this secret from your close friends? That was the first season.

Last season what kept my interest was that Clark had to deal with learning how different and alone he really was. When he learned about his heritage, he learned that his birth father had different expectations than his adopted father. How is he going to cope with the possibility that his birth father expects him to be what Clark considers evil. So he has to delve deep inside of himself to become the righteous Superman who is in the comics, the movies and LnC. He has to face a challenge and grow. He could decide to take over the world and rule (not wink )

I also agree with those who are fascinated by Michael Rosenbaum's Lex. Unlike John Shea's Lex, MR's is still growing and changing. He could end up turning to the good side because of the strong influences like Clark and his parents or he could end up like his father. huh We know who Lex is in the canon so now we get a chance to see how he got there.

We also have the opportunity to compare Clark and Lex. Both are facing the question of good and evil. Now we see how it turns out.

What turns me off to the series was the wall of weird and the results of the meteorite rocks to the town and Lana. What a stupidly written character.

I agree with everyone else that Chloe is a much more interesting character and closer to the Lois we love. Interestingly, it's Chloe who likes Clark (not the other way around). And even Chloe is presented with a challenge by Lionel Luthor.

Now, if they could only get write better a-plots and send Lana off to college in another country. And maybe improve Martha's role. She's not much of a character.
