I realized that another problem I have with Smallville is that, since I have a passionate hatered for Lex Luthor, I can't imagine Lex and Clark being friends. So that compounded with my not thinking Clark is attractive and not understanding a Clark without Lois, I never got into the show. I am not as much a Superman fan as a Lois and Clark fan. I didn't especially like the movies (although now I am a huge Christopher Reeve fan because of his spinal cord injury -- being a neural engineer wink ) and I never read any comics or anything else.

Besides, Smallville can't be a suburb of Metropolis because they're in different states (even if they were close). Metropolis is in New Troy.
From what I've heard about Smallville, Metropolis isn't in New Troy, it's actually in Kansas. That just seems weird to me!

Everwood is a whole lot more than teen angst! I adore that show. I see it as Northern Exposure with a little of the bizarre removed.
Everwood is angsty, though! The whole Colin Hart saga was totally angsty. But I am a sucker for angst wink .

what is a 15 year old with a computer in her room supposed to do on a saturday when she has nothing to do? I find this thread interesting. That and listening to the Lion king soundtrack over and over again.
LOL, Julie! What is a 22 year old nerdy graduate students supposed to do when she gets home from her job at the football concession stand after falling off a counter and bruising her leg and stomach wink .

- Laura smile

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve