What is guaranteed to remove your concentration? Breaking news -- or my cat throwing up. I swear he does it to spite me.
smile1 Oh! Me too - if I'm having trouble picturing something, I'll dig around in my own pictures file or on the Internet for ideas; I also use just Google non-image searching. And Thesaurus.com is my friend; I use it a lot when I'm proofing, if I see a lot of repetition in my words. But then seeing synonyms sometimes triggers other ideas.


I've been in a dry spell writing-wise for awhile, but this thread is fun, so I'll take a shot at it, too.

Where are you? Usually sitting on the couch, although sometimes it's wherever I happen to be (with my laptop).

What are you writing with? My laptop. Always.

What's the oddest object in front of you? Depends on the day and time. Sometimes it's the dog. Or the towering, almost teetering, stack of magazines and books on the coffee table I'm resting my feet on.

What are you listening to? Depends on who's in the room with me, but if I'm seriously writing, I tune everything out.

Is there anyone else in the room? Sometimes my husband, my girls, and/or the dog. Occasionally one of the pet rats (my younger daughter's rat, Whiskers, is my favorite) if Girl1 or Girl2 has brought them down. They (the girls) will put them (the rats) on my shoulder "For a little visit, Mom."

What time of day is it? Depends. I work nights every other week, so often it's in the wee hours. And too often to count, it's JUST before I have to leave for work or I'll be late, darn it!

What do you look at when you're looking for inspiration? Mostly my imagination, but sometimes something I've read, often in other fics. We've got a lot of talented writers, and many stories have a line or an idea that will spark one of my own. Or remind me of something I've been meaning to write.

What is guaranteed to remove your concentration? Needing to leave for work. (Like now, unfortunately.) goofy


TicAndToc :o)


"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three."
-Elayne Boosler