This is so interesting!

Where are you? Mostly, I write on my computer, in my bedroom. Sometimes I bring a journal with me to university and write there if I have a spare minute, although I am very bad about actually typing it up later. <g> If I bring my laptop to school, there is no chance of any writing getting done unless I'm on a deadline.
What are you writing with? My laptop, or in my journal. It's a very specific journal; a spirally notebook with hard front and back covers, and a picture of a ship on the front. I wrote "Titanic" and "Anything Goes" on the ship/above it with a typpex pen; I'm a dork, yes. <g>
What's the oddest object in front of you? I wouldn't say there's anything odd, per se. Not anything related to writing, anyway. Sometimes I have various websites open if what I'm writing requires research, and God knows that when you start clicking Wikipedia links, you end up looking at an article about the history of frying pans, three hours later, with no recollection of how you got there.
What are you listening to? Usually nothing. I can't concentrate with music on, because I start singing along with the lyrics, and that confuses me when I'm trying to think of words. <g>
Is there anyone else in the room? When I'm writing on my laptop in my room, no. If I'm writing in my journal, it usually means inspiration has struck and I can happily ignore the cacophony around me; however, if I'm actually sitting with friends, then I wouldn't.
What time of day is it? Totally not a factor. I sleep at mysterious intervals sometimes, anyway. Life of a university student.
What do you look at when you're looking for inspiration? If I'm trying to continue a WIP, I reread it (or the last few pages of it) to help me flow with it. Otherwise, sometimes I glance at one of my fics, someone else's fic, or rewatch an episode of the show (for fanfic, anyway).
What is guaranteed to remove your concentration? Music with lyrics. I'm terrible. I start singing along and ignoring the document. Also, if I have essays/assignments hanging over my head, I find it difficult to concentrate until they're done.

Julie smile

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)