What is guaranteed to remove your concentration? I am ADHD...EVERYTHING IS A DISTRACTION!!!!!! It is SOOOOO frustrating to have to deal with all the constant input that I can't ignore. Even Elisabeth's rapid typing can be a distraction.
lol, I know what that feels like!!!
mad mad mad
for me it can be anything from itunes, to playing with the split ends in my frizzy hair... to writing replies to surveys on discussion boards! help

ok, so on with the quiz...

Where are you?
Lying in my bed...

What are you writing with?
My 3 yr old APPLE Powerbook G4 (pre-Pentium...)

What's the oddest object in front of you?
the baby dummy in my mouth... meant to stop me grinding my teeth!!

What are you listening to?
Nothing... I am a classical musician with ADD, if I switched on itunes I would spend the next three hours improving my musical classification/ cataloguing systems

Is there anyone else in the room?
no, never when I'm on L&C

What time of day is it?
1am... generally I only allow myself onto L&C after 11pm as otherwise I won't finish my other (more important) work...

What do you look at when you're looking for inspiration?
a combination of real life and favourite stories from either TV/Movies or literature

I love to adapt favourite stories to L&C, but don't really publish them because I never really get the time to finish them...

at the moment, I guess I would say that I am taking a lot from Bob Newhart (hehehe, I love this show!!! almost as much as I love L&C, except a lot of the psychologist jokes are hard to adapt, but most of the normal everyday relationship type stuff is fun to do...)

What is guaranteed to remove your concentration?
As I said above, absolutely anything....

You can't have MANSLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER

The Neuroscientist: Eating glass makes you smart...do you want to see what you can learn?