Where are you? Usually sat on my bed, sometimes on my settee downstairs if I want to watch something on Sky
What are you writing with? My laptop
What's the oddest object in front of you? Um, probably a model spaceship from another TV show
What are you listening to? Normally the radio or a CD, sometimes I'm watching the TV or a DVD.
Is there anyone else in the room? Sometimes my cat.
What time of day is it? Night
What do you look at when you're looking for inspiration? Nothing, I can't force inspiration, which is extremely annoying!
What is guaranteed to remove your concentration? Watching Lois & Clark while writing it. Seriously, I have been known to listen to a CD, watch the TV and read a book at the same time, but I cannot cope with writing about something I'm actually watching. Smallville poses no problem, however. I wonder why... wink