I actually did some fic writing this weekend for the first time in over a year. This story may get finished eventually after all. smile

Anyway, since I've been writing, I thought I'd come in an answer this poll.

Where are you? I need to be comfy and alone, so I'm on my bed in my bedroom. When I lived alone I wrote in my living room, but now that I have roommates I stick to the privacy of my bedroom.
What are you writing with? My laptop. Sitting at the desktop isn't comfy enough for writing fic.
What's the oddest object in front of you? 3+ years of Entertainment Weekly covers wallpapered across the wall.
What are you listening to? The clacking of my fingers on the keyboard.
Is there anyone else in the room? No way! If the roommates come knocking I shut the computer.
What time of day is it? Usually evening. I write best after dinner, but my concentration starts to deteriorate around 9 or 10 o'clock.
What do you look at when you're looking for inspiration? Something associated with what I'm writing, like the trailer or my notes or episodes that the fic is based on.
What is guaranteed to remove your concentration? Anyone being in the room.
