oooh! I should have looked into the thread the other day, shouldn't I? I saw the title, it didn't ring a bell and... then I forgot all about it. *lol*

Where are you?
When I write, I'm usually sitting on my couch, at home.

What are you writing with?
My laptop. I could never write anything while sitting at my desktop computer because I hated the keyboard. And while I will jot down notes in a notebook while I'm on the bus, they usually end up completely different when I type them up, so those only really count as ideas.

What's the oddest object in front of you?
You'll usually find a certain number of plastic knives on my coffee table. Seriously...

What are you listening to?
Whatever I'm into at the moment is fine. And it's playing loud, too.

When I'm doing NaNoWriMo, though, it seems like the best choice is instrumental, mood type music. The first year, I listened to the Superman Returns soundtrack non-stop. The second, I mostly listened to the Batman Begins soundtrack. *g*

Is there anyone else in the room?
Sometimes, but that's not when I do my best writing for sure.

What time of day is it?
Evening and well into the night. Writing at 2AM is pure joy. smile

What do you look at when you're looking for inspiration?
The inside of my eyelids. (I close my eyes and drift away to where the characters live, in my head)

What is guaranteed to remove your concentration?
Anything that's moving in front of my eyes (ie: the TV, MSN windows popping up, Eric walking around the room) also, tiredness and hunger.

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies