Where are you? In my black leather chair in the living room, or on the floor, or sprawled out on my bed.

What are you writing with? A combination of notebook paper and my laptop. It's weird, but I always have to do my notes by hand, despite me doing all my actual writing on my laptop.

What's the oddest object in front of you? No comment.

What are you listening to? It depends on the mood of the scene I'm trying to write. Generically speaking, something electronic with minimally invasive lyrics, a good, repetitive beat, and generally not found on Pop Top 40.

Is there anyone else in the room? I can't write when there are other people around.

What time of day is it? Usually the evening.

What do you look at when you're looking for inspiration? I don't look at anything in particular. I just stop writing and let my brain work through my muse failure. Shower time, bed time, and drive time = idea churn time.

What is guaranteed to remove your concentration? People doing stuff nearby. Particularly stuff I'd rather be doing than finding my way through a hairy plot point. Like doing dishes. Or sorting pocket lint. *sigh*

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.