I haven't witten any full-fledged Lois & Clark fiction yet, but I do write... stuff. And this poll is so cool.

Where are you?
At my L-shaped desk, overlooking the lake and mountains (when it's not foggy / cloudy).

What are you writing with?
Microsoft Word on my laptop. (It's a Tablet, so I sometimes write down outlines instead of typing them.)

What's the oddest object in front of you?
A holder containing dozens of bookmarks including a piece of Persian rug, a knight-shaped sheet of metal, a cardboard piece with my name written in several languages, etc.

What are you listening to?
Either Hindi songs or instrumental music. Mostly I switch it on during research or timeouts, not while writing. Sometimes there's television in the background (and I mean background literally since it's behind me).

Is there anyone else in the room?
Nope, I only write when I'm alone. And it's not really an issue now-a-days since I live alone smile

What time of day is it?
Varies, I write as a break from my studies (research) although somedays it seems to be the other way round wink

What do you look at when you're looking for inspiration?
Use Google Images to search for whatever I'm writing about or... take a nap, a thinking nap :p

What is guaranteed to remove your concentration?
Loud sudden noises of any kind. It could be as normal as the phone ringing.


If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.

Waking a Miracle by Aria