Ooh, Wendy...I try not to answer too many of these, even when I know them, but there's no way to resist this one. Yes, I'm weeping over your brief excerpt now. Becky Bain's heart-rending Ad Astra Per Aspera

Sorry, real life called me away for a bit longer than anticipated. How about this sweet excerpt from an unexpected waffy source...

Clark's look of confusion changed to one of understanding as a sly smile of his own curved his lips. He released one of Lois' hands and placed his along her cheek. She leaned into it, then rose up on her toes to meet him halfway as he lowered his head to hers.

The kiss was sweet and tender. It caused a sensation of spreading warmth to suffuse through the bodies of both partners. It wasn't a kiss of passion, but it was a kiss that spoke of love, and of promise. It might have continued till who knew when, but Lois had to break in order to breathe.

"Whoa," she murmured breathlessly.

Lois placed her hand on Clark's chest as she took a couple of moments to catch her breath. She was a little unsteady on her feet as well. Lois hadn't had a lot of romantic relationships,
but she hadn't grown up in a convent either. Still, she had never known a kiss like that, and she needed another. She looked up into his smiling eyes as her own sly look returned.

"Well that was a pleasant thank you, for saving all the others." She tugged on the fabric of his suit pulling his head down toward her. "I think we are reasonably safe from tabloid reporters here. Superman's reputation will still be safe, so how about some gratitude for *your* life."

Clark didn't reply with words but merely closed the slight distance between them and captured her lips in his again. It was a kiss much like the first one, only this time there was more heat. The sweetness gave way to desire and the tenderness to a passion that surprised each of them.

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5