Aha! Christy Landrum's The Hand That Rocks - and if there's anyone who hasn't read it, RUN!!!

Okay, here's one:
A wave of weakness rushed over her and she collapsed backward, leaning back into his chest. He didn't speak, but she could feel his heart beating thunderously through his doublet.

By the time they had pulled up abruptly on the edge of a clearing, she still hadn't said anything about mistaking him for her husband, and now [...] was vaulting out of the saddle, lifting her, placing her on the ground beside him. Lois straightened and prepared to move away, but [...] retained his grip on her arms. "Just this once," he muttered so low that Lois was not sure she heard him correctly, "you'll kiss me like you mean it . . . ." He whipped off his helmet and bent his head.

The kiss was over before Lois could protest, and the knight released her, leaping back into the saddle and melting into the shadows of the forest. There was a murmur of voices from where he had disappeared, followed by a rustling in the undergrowth. The bushes parted, and a horse plodded out, carrying-

"Lucy!" gasped Lois, still breathless from the kiss.
Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*