OK, this one's a little different but it made a huge impression on me when I read it.

He got to Lois' door and knocked in what he hoped was an nonchalant manner. "Lois, it's me. Are you up?"

Slowly the door opened. In the instant before he stepped through the door his eyes took in her pallor, the slight bruise on her cheek, the bluish tint of her fingernails and lips, the hunted look in her eyes. He thought his heart had been torn from his body. Then, as though he was oblivious to the warning she was trying to convey to him with her eyes, he stepped over the threshold, picked her up in his arms and kissed her while he spun her around so that she was now the one near the hallway.

As he set her down he whispered "Run," and gave her a little push. Then he slammed the door shut and turned back to face the interior of the apartment.
Kathy (I can't believe I actually got one!)