Of course!! And yes, definitely a classic! smile It Happened One (Super) Night by Wendy Richards.

Another excerpt from another fantastic story:

"Lois, I... I don't remember... going to bed," he faltered.

"You fell asleep after we talked," she said. "You were so tired I didn't want to wake you, so I put you to bed."

So they *had* talked? He tried to remember telling her he loved her - it wasn't the sort of thing one would want to forget! - but nothing came to him. Judging by the way she had been kissing him a moment ago, she must have decided she loved him too... *why* couldn't he remember her saying so? Granted, he was still very tired and confused, as well as being constantly distracted by the movement of her hand on his skin. His bare skin...

"You undressed me?" he asked suddenly, incredulously. He couldn't imagine Lois wrestling his jeans off while he slept - he hadn't been *that* tired!

She chuckled. "No, you did that yourself," she said. "You seemed to be on autopilot."

The movement of her chest had reminded him that his hand was still resting in a very intimate position. "I'm sorry," he gasped, pulling it away and fumbling for the edge of her shirt to cover her decently.

"Don't be sorry," she murmured deliberately, leaning forward and drawing his head towards hers. As her lips closed on his, he groaned and abandoned any pretence of rational thought. The kiss deepened quickly, Lois taking the initiative this time and probing his mouth with her tongue. Her hand wandered down his arm to find his and tug it away from its grip on her shirt, guiding it beneath the material once again.

His fingers explored her body, stroking and caressing her softness, learning from her responses how best to please her. Soon she was breathing heavily, and her hands were wandering over his skin to find and exploit his sensitive spots.

Through the waves of desire rolling over him, Clark was conscious of astonishment at the speed with which things were moving. He had hoped that after he had told Lois how he felt, she might agree to go on a date with him. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined that within a matter of hours they would be in bed together and, it seemed, on the verge of becoming lovers. Not that he minded - there was nothing in the world that he'd rather do than make love with Lois, short of marrying her - but what had happened to all her reservations about sleeping with a colleague?

He lifted his mouth from hers with an effort. "Lois, are you sure this is what you want?" he managed to gasp.

She stilled for a moment, apparently considering the question, and then propped herself up on one elbow, rolling her body away from his. He couldn't suppress a rumbling groan of protest. He saw her teeth gleam in the faint light as she smiled.

"Quite sure," she said huskily, and shucked off her shirt, tossing it onto the floor behind her. She placed a palm against his shoulder and pushed him flat on the bed, then bent over him. Her hair swung out and fanned across his chest as her mouth began to explore his skin. He was dimly aware of her pyjama bottoms following her shirt, then her hands joined her mouth, roaming across his torso, teasing every inch of him into thrilling awareness.
Kaethel smile

- I'm your partner. I'm your friend.
- Is that what we are?
- Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.

~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~