Since the e-mails were in a separate folder, all I had to do was save the .mbx file as a .txt file. All done. smile

I see what you mean about the techie stuff needing to be removed manually: every e-mail is dated and marked individually! eek I spent half an hour just now scrolling through the file and removing chunks at a time, and I got through... um... about ten percent. help

Does The Lurker have an addy where she can be reached? Maybe we can coordinate. smile

Hazel, who enjoys spontaneous RPG's

EDIT: I worked on this sporadically throughout the day, putting in, perhaps, another ninety minutes' worth. It wasn't as bad as I thought, since the deleting was exponential. smile By the time I'd deleted entire chunks of comments, discussions re trousers vs. pants laugh and Heinlein, Star Trek, LotR, and the oldest living woman to give birth... goofy At any rate, the file size went down from well over 400 pages to less than 150. So ~whew~!

So... who wants it now? Yvonne? Labby?

Hazel, who had forgotten the peanut butter jars and the tuning fork rotflol

Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827