registration dates appear in user's profiles. you can search for a specific profile in the directory (using the link in the upper right corner of most boards pages) or you can read someone's profile by clicking on the profile link found on each post (looks like a little person standing next to a rollodex card. it's the first icon after the post's timestamp).
also, in this specific case, if you'll look carefully at altclark's first post, you can see that i mentioned the fact that wells registered a week before clark.
did that after reading Wendy's post, but thanks for the technical explanation...yeah, I'm such a techie nerd, you know! (LOL)

(i'm a few years out of pratice)
Don't beat yourself down. Who wouldn't except a daily globe-trotter? What are your other languages? (if you don't mind the asking since it's not fic related). So for the 100% fanfic questions:

1. should the comments folder be archived with the main story?
It's a tough one, but I think yes, it should. Either after the fanfic itself, or by including comments into the Finding Lois fic. I know it will be disturbing, and unconventionnal, but it could allow readers that didn't participate to follow the interrogations of the mb readers 'live' while sticking to the story's chronology. But it's just my 2 cents. That also mean you'll have to do a little patchwork exercice...

2. if you posted in the main thread (and possibly if you posted here, too), do you mind having your work archived?
not at all.

please let me know here or by email if you don't want your post(s) archived.
See reply above.

also, as a follow-up to question 1:
if the comments folder is not included (for the record, i'm leaning towards not archiving it), any suggestions on how to include the "who is altclark?" explanation post?
Not archiving it? Ookaaay. Then I'll go for the explanation post as an epilogue. But again, these are just suggestions.

good luck with the pre-archiving work,


PS: and for HG Wells, I wouldn't even think of pushing things since I've got a clearer view of this issue now.