Of course she will, but Altclark was first on the list (explanation included). I intended to after his "ID revelation". It's only fair and the least I could to.

I'm never around or on the Net on WE, and I can't even go on IRC (I really miss that ) which explains Altlois slow, er...revelation process.

I won't post as Altlois to do a ta dah "it's me" stuff. Why? first, because it's real techie complicated given the slow compy I'm stuck with! Okay, okay:

*opening of the red curtain*

(V.O) "Altlois is Cyad aka Carole...well, duh! it's me. Posting from Orly cyberspace portal. Yeah, I finally manage to catch a Brazzaville-Metropolis via Paris flight...talk about déjà vu too (inside joke)"

*Closing of the red curtain*

Secondly, because Altlois was supposed to be a "one and a single post" character from the beginning, and so will it be. I only used her to provoque reactions from readers, players and...Altclark in order to be real sure it was Paul...and I think it did work (in a way, so no regrets). I don't feel the need to justify myself, I did to the interested people. But if there are more people interested, feel free to email me, to either real or Altverse addy, because it's a bit long to put it here.


PS: and Wendy...thanks a lot. smile1 Just a question, and feel free to call me dumb but, unless their registration dates appeared at the end of their post, how can I know they're only 'a few days' apart?

PPS: darn! then I was wrong about Welles? I so thought I was right....well, dashing off then, got a few diggings to do. Scratch that, I know who Welles is, now I'm wondering when Herbie will let us know about his FoLC side wink