I'm sorry to have to make this post. I've been trying to avoid it.

Let me explain.

I've put a lot of time, effort, and thought into this whole thing. Probably more than you realise. I thought it would be worth it, though, because it would be fun. And it was, at first. But then responses tapered off and and I began to wonder if it was worth the trouble. Maybe I should have waited a bit more, but I, like any author, am also addicted to comments. So, I posted this thread.

That worked out well, and it was very encouraging. Then, just as I was getting back into it, I heard from a couple people who were very upset that I'd broken character. They said it had ruined the whole thing for them and that it was fundamentally wrong. Well, that ruined things for me for a while, but I told myself that I'd got such lovely comments from several other people and had even picked up a new reader or two.

Then I logged in to find "AltLois." I nearly gave up then and there, but some sympathy and encouragement from some fine FOLCs got me through that. I got things back on track and started enjoying it again.

Then, for the second time in as many days, a FOLC came in and, without so much as a "by your leave," attempted to create a deus-ex-machina ending.

It hurt me again, and, if I hadn't headed it off, would have ended the whole thing for me and everyone else.

Maybe I'm just being too possessive, but I can't help but think that it's both rude and thoughtless.

So, I'm going to make a two requests.

First, if you're enjoying this, please take the time to participate. Interact, make some suggestions, pick up on some of the clues. That's what makes it all fun, to me at least.

Second, please don't post anything that directly affects the story's universe without checking with me first. I have an email address listed on my profile (ckent@starplace.com). If you want to do something that directly affects the story's universe, especially if it's a major change (for example, something that would end the story in a single sweeping post), please ask permission before you do so. By the way, I'm also happy to answer private emails.

I'm sorry to have to ask that. Wells did a great job bringing another character into it, and he didn't even need to ask. More characters would have been fun, as they were in "The Clark Letters" and "The Lex Letters." We could have played off each other and had more participation and had fun, if people had kept themselves to constructive posts and used common sense and common courtesy.

Of course, if people really do want it all to end, then I'll just let the story die. I'd like to think, however, that that's not the opinion of the majority of the readers.


"Well, what he can't do, it doesn't matter. It's the idea of Superman. Someone to believe in. Someone to build a few hopes around. Whatever he can do, that's enough." - Lois Lane