I love this story too. smile I knew it as soon as I read "Guardian Angel"

It's Jeff Brogden's : Lost and Found

Back in a bit. with a new quote.

New Quote:

Colors and shapes and noise reappeared with a jerk. Clark
thrust out a hand to catch the sidewalk that loomed up,
holding Lois tightly to keep her from falling. The world
leveled and steadied; cautiously he stood straight and
loosened his hold on his wife.

"Did you feel that?" she demanded. "Was it an earthquake?"

"Shouldn't have been - Metropolis is built on solid
bedrock," he answered, glancing around. None of the
buildings looked damaged, and no cries for help reached his
sensitive ears.

But the buildings - they looked different. And...

"What happened to the sun?" Lois sounded scared. "Clark,
where's the sun?"

The sky above them was navy, not azure, and pinpoints of the
brightest stars gleamed through the haze of light pollution
from the city.

"The sun's still there. It's night." He pointed at a
sliver of crescent moon in the eastern sky.

Her grip on his arm tightened. "But it was morning just a
minute ago. Wasn't it?"
