Here's another extract from the same story... hope this helps,
Clark sat in his apartment staring at the blank TV screen.
He was numb. It was all a lie. It was all over. Lois was
pregnant with another man's baby. Clark closed his eyes as
his thoughts grew ever darker. He began to convince
himself that Lois hadn't dumped Scardino at all, that it
had been the other way around. He dumped *her*, maybe when
she told him she was pregnant. What had she planned? Turn
to him after Scardino left her pregnant? Foist the baby
off as his? That thought made Clark laugh bitterly. She'd
left out an important step if that had been her plan.

"No," Clark said firmly. "Lois would *not* do that."

She could so easily have made love to him and then claimed
the baby was his. It's not like he was the one balking.
No, it had to be another reason she'd turned to him. To
make Scardino jealous? Clark laughed again. Right, a DEA
agent jealous of a journalist.

Something wasn't adding up. *Nothing* was adding up. If
Lois knew she was pregnant, she wouldn't have let Klein run
tests on her. So, maybe she didn't know she was pregnant
until she got the test results. Maybe that's why he hadn't
heard from her yet. She had to contact Scardino and give
him the "joyful" news.

Clark rose from the sofa with an exhausted sigh. Lois
hardly *knew* Scardino. Clark had known her two years, and
yet even with them now in a romantic, committed
relationship, she wouldn't ... Nope, it wasn't adding up at
all. Something was just *way* off.

It was at that moment Klein's comment cut through Clark's
murky thinking. "It must have been a total shock to Ms.
Lane. She kept saying 'that's impossible'."

"Impossible," Clark whispered.

If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.

Waking a Miracle by Aria