Recognised this instantly: it's The Darkest Hour (Before the Dawn) by Erin Klingler.

Oops... I suppose that means I have to come up with a quote now!

Okay, here we go:
It was then that she screamed. Louder than she'd ever screamed before. Louder than when she screamed from the jaws of death inside which she frequently found herself.

It was a long scream, the veins in her neck and forehead coming out, blood vessels in her eyes, which were dripping tears as quickly as the sky was dripping rain, turning red, red, red... like
her dress. She instinctively leaned her body forward ­lowering her chest onto her knees, and pulling at her hair ­as she screamed. She screamed until her face was inches from the ground.

The ground... she could still see Clark on the ground.

Beautiful eyes... closed. His body... still. His heartbeat under her hand... no... no heartbeat...

She could hear the gunshots... over and over, over and over, over and over, over and over...

She just kept crying.

So hard.


And Henderson was sure the whole world must have heard that scream.
Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*