Nope, it's not a ML' story! laugh

This scene ends here:
She stared at him for a moment, her temper rising. How dare he?
She did not belong to him. Then, in a swift determined motion, her dark
hair swinging, she turned and strode away from him. She walked about fifty
feet, her thoughts and emotions jumbled. What if he was right? He was so
stubborn. It was her decision to make; he'd always waited for her to make
the decision. He was waiting now. She turned to look back. He was still
standing there, his arms crossed and his legs planted slightly apart, Clark
Kent Superman. Kal El.

She met his stern eyes and then, for some reason, she had no idea
why, she laughed. She laughed at the ridiculousness of their situation and
at herself for the inconsistency of her feelings, torn between her need for
autonomy and her need to love more than just herself, to love him, and she
laughed at his stubbornness. Then she saw the harsh angles of his face
soften into a smile of his own, the most wonderful smile.

She began to walk back to him. He met her half way. Standing in
front of him, she said, "OK, I figure it'll take a week to organize a small
wedding." She poked him in the chest with her index finger. "Next

Clark grinned, a magnificent joyful grin that flashed his
happiness. Picking her up, he whirled her around and kissed her hard. I
told you so," he said as he continued to kiss her. "Woman of my dreams."
He nuzzled her throat, "Forever."

"Clark," her voice was a soft sigh, "Clark."
THere are lots of great scenes in this fic (the third and final part of a series)! I love this, earlier in the story:

"So does this mean you'll marry me?"

That woke her up. "Clark, you can't ask me that here, now."

"Why not? Lois..."

"Why not? Clark! What will we tell our kids? You know when they
ask that question that all kids ask, like the one I asked your parents last
night." She quoted her question, "How did Jonathan propose, Martha?" She
continued, "Only our kids are going to be little the first time they ask
it. What are you going to say to them, Clark? "Oh, we were lying stark
naked in the woods after we'd had sex and I popped the question." I don't
think so."

Clark laughed, "So that means yes?"

"Clark," her voice was a warning as she got to her feet. "Don't
you dare..." She stopped, looking around at the bits of clothing that were
strewn in a small circle around them, and then fished out a couple of lacy
scraps. Clark rose to his feet beside her, kissed her lightly, and then
reached over to pick up her shirt.

His eyes were teasing and happy as he helped her on with the shirt,
carefully buttoning it up for her as he spoke. "Okay, I'll do it properly,
later, when we're both fully dressed. Maybe I'll go down on bended knee.
I'll have to think about this, plan it just right," he gestured with his
right hand, sketching an imaginary setting where all this would happen.

Lois looked at him, standing in that small circle of sun in the
woods, the light caressing the muscles of his powerful body as he happily
sketched out what he thought would be a good proposal for children to hear.
He was the most amazing man, she thought. She handed him his shirt.
"Here, cowboy. Put on your shirt and take me to Shuster's field."
Simona smile