MLT's Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Clark Kent spun out of the 'suit' in the dingy alley behind his apartment
building and emerged into the neon luminescence of Clinton Street. In a few
minutes he was in front of the double grey door that led into his
apartment. Slowly he let himself in, the loneliness of the day returning as
he walked down the few steps into his living room. He smiled slightly,
recognizing the source of his feelings, remembering the last twenty-four
hours. He missed her.

They had met outside the heavy bronze doors of the front entrance to the
'Planet' after he had delivered Diana Stride to the FBI. It had been late
and Lois had been on her way home, when he told her that he had got them
'the exclusive.' Turning, she had smiled crookedly, and said, "You're some

"Is that all I am, Lois?"

"I don't know." And she had looked at him, searching his face.

And then he had made it easier for them; suggesting they finish the chess
game that they had begun a few days earlier, before the whole Diana StrIde
thing had exploded. Smiling, she had taken his arm and they had entered the
Planet, riding up to the seventh floor in companionable silence and then
finishing their game. He had won, and surprisingly she hadn't seemed to
mind. Looking up at him, she had smiled and said softly, "You win, Clark
Kent." For a moment, he had stopped breathing as his eyes met hers.

Then she had giggled. "This time, Kent! Come on, I'll drive you home but
you can start thinking about a rematch when I get back from Minnesota."

I think, therefore, I get bananas.

When in doubt, think about time travel conundrums. You'll confuse yourself so you can forget what you were in doubt about.

What's the difference between ignorance, apathy, and ambivalence?
I don't know and I don't care one way or the other.