Finally, one I know right off! Rage by Lynn M.

New quote:

"I'm talking about hard news, Mr. Kent, not the fluffy touchy-feely cotton candy pieces that float out of your word processor."

"Excuse me? Cotton candy? Fluffy touchy-feely pieces?"

"Yes. I read your articles on that dig in Kenya. You should have focused on how difficult it is to find qualified student assistants instead of holding the sponsors up as martinets."

"I wrote what I saw and what I heard. I don't publish rumor or innuendo."

"And you're insinuating that I do?"

"It sounds like you're considering it."

"I'm considering writing the truth."

"Before you gather all the facts? You must drive your professors crazy with your conspiracy theories."

"It's not a theory if I can prove it!"

"I don't think you're looking for proof."

"And I don't think you can see past the ring in your nose that you think is on your finger!"

Clark's face darkened even more and he took a step towards Lois. "I think you should leave."

"And why should I do that?"

"Because I don't think I like you very much, Miss Lane."

lisa in the sky with diamonds