Hey, I know this one! This is Meredith Knight's Rest and Reproduction ! Fabulous story smile

Okay, back with another quote... How about this? One of my old favorites.
It was the stench that caught at her next. A thick, unpleasant smell that clogged in the back of her throat. Like something left moldering there. An animal perhaps she thought, nose wrinkling in disgust. A rat or maybe a raccoon. Something that had crawled in here and died.

Or maybe, she chided herself with some asperity for the wildness of her imagination, simply the damp mustiness of a room long disused and seldom opened.

She took a few steps forward, peering into the dark. Vaguely she made out shapes, shrouded in shadow. A slight motion at the corner of her eye startled her. Twisting around she realized that it was only a mannequin propped against the wall. The cloth which covered it was settling back even as she watched, only disturbed by the air of her passage. She let out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding and tried to ignore the thundering of her heart within her as she advanced further into the room.
Any guesses? smile