Yet, another part of him, felt that would have been a cruel newspaper to present to Clark as a wedding gift as neither of them would have been able to do anything about it, except have Herb go back to early February and stop the event from happening as he indeed had.
Yes, but at least then they could have been sure.

The sound of footsteps approaching caused Herb to look up. A thin, young man carrying a yellow Superman lunchbox hesitantly approached from the stairwell.
Yes, Jack is back.

“Stop him!” Mr. Olsen screamed, chasing the boy down the stairs. “Stop him!”
Which of course Wells failed to do. He never does anything good.

He sighed. “It’s almost as if when the Daily Planet blew up, he lost his best friend.”
Nope, Lois wasn't inside.

“In another universe, in the future, actually,” Herb replied.
Is Wells crazy, admitting this.

“Yeah. I get what you’re saying. It’s no fun living in the present with the way the world’s going,” Mr. Olsen said with a nod.
On the other hand, if you act outrageous enough people ignore you. On the other hand, there are people who go around deliberately acting as if they are time travelers.

“How safe is a world without Superman?” Mr. Olsen asked.
Was it that bad before Superman showed up?

John Pack Lambert