Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Nah, Kent isn't stupid enough to get directly connected as an employee of gangsters. Unless they are named Toni.
Or Lola. Or Lois. Or Mayson. peep
MAYSON: Geeze! I'm not part of Intergang, people!
LOIS: Uh-huh.

I was more thinking that Clark never was an employee of Mayson. My sentence has the "as an employee" caveat.

LOIS: Uh, Clark. We haven't known each other a year, yet.
CLARK: /gulp/ My! How time flies!
This Clark really can sing "I loved you before I met you" to Lois.

[QUOTE]Betsy showed up to deliver the bomb.
MRS. COX: Hey! Nobody, and that's nobody, is allowed to call me 'Betsy' but Mr. Luthor.
Now the secret of your name is out, you can't suppress it again.

/grumble/ at the watch. It has now been around for nearly a third of the story. Although it seems to be making less and less of an appearance.
It's still there because Lois gave Cat the information to use the tracking device within in it. I just mention it less often, because I keep getting this reaction from the readers.
Clark: If you would just let me smash it, you would not get the reaction from the readers at all.

I forget, did Luthor put tracking devices in the watch she got from her grandmother?
Did she go to Suicide Slum without a watch at all?

She really should make sure he is still following her.
LOIS: Duh! Octopus note.
Clark:Octopus is meant to be a call for immediate help. You have to be clear that it still applies after 8 hours. Lois has been clear about nothing of late except that she loves Luthor.

I still think she is crazy to bring her engagement ring here at all. For one thing, has she had it tested to see if it has tracking devices?
LOIS: It's a ring! There's no place to hide a tracking device. Also, I don't want to owe Lex if it gets stolen.
What if he hallowed out the ring? Or put a tracking device in the band. I could see either working, at least in theory if we allow micro-devices.

And that would be bad why? Better to be out a ring than out a hand.
Why would Lois lose her hand?
If she meets a very impatient robber in suicide slum.

/frustrated/ there he goes again, rushing to conclusions and not listening to what she is saying.
Could there be another reason that he's asking her to stop?
But by cutting her off he is avoiding hearing what she is really trying to say.

John Pack Lambert