Originally posted by John Lambert:
Clark:I have a strong feeling he won't be helpful.
JIMMY: Cool, is like the force talking to him?

LOIS: [Linked Image]

True, but he has not proposed. Anyway the main example of that that comes to mind was connected with him telling her about alternate dimension in a way she did not believe it, so it is not clear they ever seriously discussed it.
She proposed then, and he accepted. Then there was the night before when he carried her inside her apartment and had a flash back to her canon Wedding to Lex and remembered trying on "Lois Lane Kent" for size, and she said that it felt 'weird'. Clark grumbled something to the effect of "It doesn't sound weird to me." Then there was the faux wedding from HiM. But, yes, none of those discussions were serious.

Although since she heard him tell nurse Michelle about him, she really should not worry about that possibility.
But after meeting her, and seeing her personality, he might have changed his mind.

Not from a mass murderer.
LOIS: That hasn't been proven yet.

But would it really be "without Superman" if Clark was there? Is not Superman more than just the abilities?
Well, he's Superman because of his abilities + Clark's goodness + skintight suit, but without the abilities and the suit, he's merely Clark.

I don;t think I like Cat at all. I still feel she is invading Lois's proper territory.
Or she's merely proving how much Clark really loves Lois?

Lois: Not if it keeps you from the story.
CAT: We're not talking about a story, we're talking about Clark's life!

Although she seems close to realizing that Luthors's love does not cause him to treat her right. On the other hand, him shooting her should lead her to realize that whatever his feelings for her may be they do not gaurantee her safety.
She did stop "dating" him after he shot her.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.