-- Response to Michael's FDK Continued --

LOIS: <<Looking like what everyone usually assumes for an infacuated Clark>>
Yes, something like that.

She told him that she loves him and bought negligees for him. Sadly, he wouldn’t wear them.
It's sad he'd rather be naked?

No, mad. She didn’t say ‘octopus’.
Yes, but a) Clark isn't Superman, b) Superman's missing so it doesn't matter if she says Octopus or not, c) Mad is always her go-to emotion.

And yet, Claude is still in possession of all his male body parts, despite the stunt he pulled.
PERRY: I'm sorry, did I say that? Um... That may not be exactly a hundred percent true.

Get close to your subject. Use which ever means are at your disposal. It’s how they say Mata Hari worked.
Really? I didn't know she was a reporter.

Maybe Lex could help?
LEX: Yes, I never get stuck and I always have someone to do next.

That and otherwise, Perry would have Lois visit him in the morning.
I do believe Perry mentions that as one of the consequences of inaction on MPD's part.

<<Perry in drag>>
Strangely enough the next policeman's ball was in late spring after Perry's early retirement to Florida.

So Clark likes them spunky. Just like Lex.
So, they were separated at birth!

LEX: Hey! How come he got all the powers?

CLARK: Because you got all the money.

Oh boy.
Oh, sorry, I thought you wanted this story to go over 100 parts.

Not necessarily. And wouldn’t that be awkward, if a shark got one of his legs below the knee?
Yes, Clark's aside was a bit of a dark humor joke.

Yes, that was before Reed saved Clark's life. Afterwards he was a happy smiling Orc.

Mazic’s Jewelers?
hyper Now the fun begins... I mean, soon... laugh

There there. Hope you're feeling better again. Say, did you manage to infect me since I got a code just after you posted this?
Sorry. [Linked Image] My apologies if I did. I hope you're feeling better now.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.