Originally posted by John Lambert:
You're not supposed to tell us and ruin the suspense.
Actually, people like to know in advance if there's a big ol' WHAM in a story. Since the WHAMs in this story are nothing compared to the ones in "Another Lois", I figured I was safe with that statement. But if you want me to revise it, I could say instead: At the end of this story there will be one Lois and one Clark alive, in this dimension. laugh I don't know, that seems a bit like a spoiler though. I mean, I didn't tell you WHICH Lois or WHICH Clark, but still... But since this story starts out with One dead Lois and One dead Clark, does it really *need* a WHAM warning? Hmmmm. [Linked Image]

Clark:For all the good it does me as I am drowning here.
LEX: He with the most points at the end wins!

But he does know about Kryptonite, so he knowns SM is not fully invulnerable. I guess though if we look at it as him saying "SM survived crashing into the astroid" he is telling the turht. At some level I wish he had told Lois that more expicitly, but then things would probably be too simple.
So, is this like someone saying they're fine, even if they are allergic to bees and could at sometime in the future (no matter how improbably) get stung by a bee?

He also gets mentioned in fanfic less. Ralph seems to be a real favorite to bring up in fanfic, I am not sure why.
Ralph is scuzzier and in more episodes as a character?

Lois:A stopped clock is right twice a day.

Thus the argument that Lois will probably be understanding of it. I just could not let past the fact that unlike most people, Clark really could have prevented what happened. At least in theory. In practice though I have to agree, going along seemed the best choice at the time.
And with her brown-belt in Tae Kwon Do canon Lois could have gotten easily away from Meneken (Requeim), just for some unfathomable reason allowed herself to be abducted?

Hmm, I guess this makes sense. Also, I guess before they went to the Honeymoon Suite, putting up a picture of Lois might have seen too presumtuous. Well, except while she was under the influence of Revenge, but that was not very long.

Clark:It seemed plenty long to me.

Reader:Well, the point is that really, this makes sense as a recent development.
It could also be that he had one of the pictures before, but Lois never noticed it until Clark moved it to this current location? wink

Well, I was thinking he might recover to quicly to explain in any other way. The other thing that might happen is they might take blood tests and notice things that would not happen with a human.
I thought when he was vulnerable he was "human". If they aren't looking for alien DNA would they notice his blood wasn't human?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.