-- Response to John's FDK - Continued

I think it should just be "gone home", you do not need the "to". You could say "Gone to his home", but that would probably be needlessly wordy and irregular construction.
Thanks. Fixed.

This might not make things good for his relationship with Alice if he thinks he belongs in the newsroom.
Well, we all know what happened with his relationship with Alice.

But Iowa State is in Ames. I just have to point this out since my grandfather got his Ph.D. there and my father was born there.
My guess Perry's thinking Des Moines because that's where they flew into, before driving to Ames.

Wait, this is his first notice of this.
No, no. The first time she's making it obvious that she's doing so.

He should have expected something from that setup. Although maybe he had not realized how hard Lois was pursuing Clark the week before.
Perry's the one who set it up. I'm sure he figured it out with that ring ceremony and all. [Linked Image]

Of course that is largely a result of things Perry knows nothing about.
Actually, that was the first day that Clark had met THIS Lois, so technically he's correct. It was always possible (yeah, right) that Clark would have felt nothing for this Lois.

Altough, Perry is probably mostly right. Kent was trying to not transpose what he had seen of the other Lois too much.
PERRY: Of course, I'm right. Who do you think taught Lois that?

But he did call her, which is why she is so worried.
Perry doesn't know this.

I like it when people cut to the chase.
Lois isn't a beat about the bush sort of person.

Well, it is not the first time Clark has been kidnapped. Also, what with two break-ins of his apartement, this should not be too surprising.
PERRY: It's still a damn annoyance.

This third detail should establish a pattern.
And Perry picks up on it.

That seems a bit excessive.
There's no proof that he was kidnapped, just speculation at this point.

Well, at least that probably means he is not dead. Unless his body is in the river. Hmm.
Or washed out to sea, or into Gotham Harbor where he was picked up by the Joker and given a new smile? No? Nah, I'm not going to bring Bruce into this story... well, not directly.

Clark:Well, it was something I am certain that Lois will decide not to print.
"Superman Saves Earth from Giant Asteroid, Comes Home and Tells me all About It" - Front Page Story.

Sidebar Story: Lois and Clark no longer partners. wink

Very doubtful though.
Only because you know better.

Actually, she is focusing on the more pressing issue.
[Linked Image]

This seems to be a fairly common description of Lois' stares in facfics.
At least in mine. laugh

Well, actually she has, just she does not know it yet. If Cat was here she might start laughing right now.
Hmmmmm. Cat.

I am sure he would too.
CLARK: [Linked Image]

This might get confusing with multiple Jeromes.
I believe that's Jerry's full name, but I only mention it once.

I love this interchange.
Thanks. blush

PERRY: So did I.

I guess this is a possible reaction.
Nah, Perry isn't skeptical.

Finally an explanation for Perry knowing Allie.
<<crosses that of my list... only 100+ leftover threads left to tie>>

Of course this is because he has no clue what the angle actually is.
Just the little bit she hinted at when they returned from Smallville.

It might have been kept so secret it never made the papers.
Maybe. Or maybe wasn't covered by the big papers like Daily Planet, but more a local story.

Fortunantly this is not the case. Although she is right to think that Clark being missing relates to her.
That's what is bothering her.

This is essentally true, although not for the reasons she suspects.
LOIS: You mean it's someone I know? <<gasp>> Daddy! Have you been making Cyborgs again?

Now that is a story that I would love to hear.
That's sounds like an A-Plot buster, which I'm not so good at. I leave it for anyone to take and write about if they so choose.

That is to say Clark is 100% correct.
CLARK: Why are you all looking so surprised?

Oh he is, is he. Interesting.

Clark is alive.
It would be quite a downer if I had killed him.

Giving him glasses in this situation really does make sense.
It helps in more ways than one.

I just hope this dismissive attidue towards their find does not keep them from doing anything about it.
I would say that this is the main reason someone would be handcuffed, but not the only reason.

Oh no, that does not sound like a good plan. Although I guess since they don't know he is Clark, finding out he is Superman won't be too horrible.
And HOW would they find out he's Superman, being that he's vulnerable at the moment?

Rubbish, they have no identity on him.
The officer's assuming this until proven otherwise.

I just hope Lois gets word of this soon and realizes it is either Clark or Superman. However, it is not too encoraging right now.

The assumption that only criminals would be handcuffed is really narrow minded.
But 9/10 times usually correct.

Hopefully Wolfe or Henderson will at least check on the discovered missing person, or Lois will call the hopital again.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.