She sighed. It was all her fault.
I may have been harsh on Lois after the last two instalments, but it is not all her fault. Clark bears some of the blame. He could have been more patient during the annoucements of the Kerth Awards.

If she hadn’t let her ego get in the way, she and Clark could be enjoying their second date here at the Kerths.
Well, at least she sees this.

So how long has it been since the Kerth Awards were announced, or are you just having us guess. If I followed things right, they were announced on a Monday, and maybe this is the following Friday/Saturday? Well, at least in reality sep. 26, 1993 was a Sunday, and the awards were announcement the next day, so that would be a Monday. I went to the trouble of counting back using this month's calendar to make sure that was right. If I understand later on this is Saturday night, so the 2nd of October. Clark could have asked her out for Friday night, maybe, if he thought they won't work too late, so this is a reasonable worry. Especially since even if he wanted to go slow he could have at least asked her out for sometime next weekend by now, at least some guys would do that.

some strumpet who was sitting in her seat!
It is amazing how quick to judge others Lois is, especially considering who this is. It is also slightly odd she does not recognize her faster, but I guess you do not plan to see people who don't quite belong there.

Is Jimmy that bad that he would pick up a new lady while on a date?

"Clark invited me,” Lucy said.
I have to agree this was the best idea Clark has had so far. I should have thought of that, but I didn't.

“Clark?” Her teeth started to grind. Who invited him?
I though she wanted him there? Also, she knows that sub-letting dates does not work.

“He said that you’d want me here to help you celebrate your third Kerth win,” Lucy gushed, and then blushed. “And James. He said that you had invited James as your date, and me as his so that we could swap once we got here. That was so sweet of you to do that for James, so he could be included.”
She might have gone with this plan if she knew they could pull it off. The fun thing is that Jimmy may well believe it is what really happened.

“How did you get here?” Lois asked.

At first I thought this was a question to Clark, and he was being just obtuse. "How did you get here" could be "how did you get in". It is also possible that he came under whatever pseudonym he used to write under, not that he did, but Lois might think that is why he writes as well as he does without an established trail of publishing.

“No, of course not, Lois. Clark was able to get me a cheap last minute flight,” Lucy said with a giggle. Then she grabbed her sister’s shoulders to whisper in her ears. “He’s amazing! I know you’ve been raving about him since he arrived, but I didn’t realize what you meant until now. He did this for you, you know.”
Half of me wonders if Superman provided Lucy a ride, but on rereadin it, I don't think so. At first I expected her to say something indicating she knew under her breath. Of course, it would seem strange for Clark to tell Lucy ever, and especially before Lois, but the thought did cross my mind.

Lois’s glare at Clark’s shoulders softened. “I should go say ‘hello’ to my new date,” she said. “And move to the other side of Jimmy because that’s my seat.”
Well, I am glad Lois is taking this so well. A little surprised, but only a very little. Jimmy's shock that his cousin thought Lois Lane was hot and not Cat probably makes such a shift in dates easier, but that was long ago enough that it is probably not a very big issue in Lois' mind, if it factors at all.

Clark turned around as she approached. “Congratulations, Lois.”
This is the best way to strat off, period.

“You invited my sister on a date?” she said with her hands on her hips. She had strictly forbidden that.

He grinned. “I did.”

Her lips blossomed into a smile. “Thank you.”
I guess going against Lois' specific orders works. Of course, if he had been planning to treat her sister as his date, and if she had invited Jimmy out of more than spite, things would probably be very different.

I have to say Clark pulled this off in a way that worked. I did not expect that, but of course I had largely forgotten about Lucy and Jimmy dating.

“You’re forgiven,” he replied.
Umm, Clark, I would not have advised saying this. I see danger in even implying there is a reason to forgive her.

She ignored this.
Are we sure this is not a close? OK, I know it isn't. I still am a little shocked that Lois allowed that line at all though.

“So, you thought this was the only way to get a second date with me?”
Careful Clark, you are now on thin ice.

Clark shrugged in that sheepish way he did. “I figured you were worth the extra effort and expense. It’s not every day one gets their third Kerth Award. I wanted to be here for you.”
I guess he really did buy Lucy a plane ticket. I guess bringing her Superman express would not really work, especially since he wants no connection with SM to LL. This is the one answer that worked. It also does not exactly answer the question, but some questions are not meant to be ansered. Clark is learning.

“Then we’ll be okay,” Lois said with a wink.

Clark slid his hand to the curve of her back and guided her back towards their table. “We already are,” he murmured.

She couldn’t agree more.
Oh, can we just end the story here? Everything is well with Lois and Clark, so why develop any more. OK, not everything is well. She does not know the truth. So I guess we can't end here. Still it is a nice place to stop, so I will end this FDK at this point. It was definantly a fun segment.

At first I wondered why you do not tell us more of the evening, but then I realized that anything more would probably be a let down. We do learn a little more from flashbacks, but some things the imagination does better than being told.

John Pack Lambert