There was nothing from Lois about them having different backgrounds in "Lucky Leon". Lois does not even ask Clark about his growing up per se, she asks him about if he had any big fights with his parents. That leads to Clark making the remark that people are only fully open when they are passionate, like in fighting, and Lois then adds "or when they make love".

So, this date discussion was very different from the one in canon. Also, since they share chocolate in canon, it is very, very different.

I was remembering that in canon at the end of "The Prankster" or whatever they call that episode, Clark does send Lois some yellow roses, and not even sign the card. Of course, the only way to explain that is because it is more funny to have Lois freak out and wreck them. It is part of go with funny not logical.

While the "he does not want the whole office to know" might explain not giving them to her in person, not signing the card always just seemed odd.

I guess you are right your Lana is not half as evil as the one from "Accused", although I would say that Lana is more mentally unbalanced. Actually when she does show up in fan fiction, the canon universe Lana does seem worse than alt-universe Lana. Your fireworks story had a Lana who was cheating on Clark, which this alt-Lana has not been accused of.

John Pack Lambert