Originally posted by John Lambert:
I think it should just be "picked up that", I do not think you need the on.
Freudian slip? wink Thanks.

I think that should just be "Menken started". Either that or you could maybe go with "Menken's office started".
Right. Have no idea what I was thinking here. Fixed.

I think that should be "knew as many".
Nope, it isn't a comparison statement. He's Superman; he's actually "knew many" victims.

I think there should be an "and between down and saw and a "the" in front of courtyard.
Wow, this was really rough. blush about the stuff that slipped through the cracks. Thanks.

I think that should be "it to him" at the end of the first sentance.
Yes, that does make more sense. <<hits self with 2x4>> I do read these parts before posting, you know. Not that it's obvious. You're a treasure, John. Thanks.

I think it should be "back to the elevators" at the end there.
When I type fast often articles get dropped. I often write in notebooks and transcribe onto the computer. I'm trying to read aloud my parts before posting now, but as I do it before bedtime, my brain function isn't always there. laugh Thanks. You'd be amazed at how many errors I actually FIXED before posting.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.