What? Lois shrugged. Should she have dumped it out or let it go to waste? Please!
laugh No manners. She at least could have given him break-up sex.

There’s the group that thinks CK was withholding information from her on a story.
Capital offense.

Another group believes that he didn’t tell her something about himself that came to blow up in his face.

I don’t know if he knows the truth or not, but he and CK have become the best of buds. I can’t tell you how many ball games, car shows, movies, and just hanging out they’ve done together this summer.
They might be right about the sexual orientation thing?

Not that she would succeed of course, because Superman would surely swoop in from the ether and take the knife away from her.
She should do that in the bathroom?

So, Lois went in to her corner mom and pop grocery and bought herself a quart of chocolate chocolate chunk ice cream to eat on the cab ride over to the office.

Clark stared at Lois with a haunted expression. “I just can’t, Lois, and if you care even a little bit for me, you won’t bring it up again.”
Did he eat so much sweets as a kid that he wasn’t fast enough to rescue his parents?

Deal breaker? What was he talking about?
/points at/
“I love chocolate. Love it! I can’t picture myself being with a man who won’t eat it. I’d feel like a pig being the only one eating sweets all the time,”
“Goodbye, Lois,” he whispered, letting go of her and heading for the stairwell.
That can’t be good.

If he didn’t come back to the newsroom that evening, she would go to his apartment and beg him to tell her the truth.
Uuuuummm… And was it been three months already? You jumped ahead 6 weeks. He got there a week early. wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.